Planet Wisdom

ok so i went to napersville in chicago this weekend for a christian conference called planet wisdom. I had so much fun. we got there about 5 and ate at mcDonalds then we went to the conference it started at around 6 and lasted about 4 hours. we went from there to our hotel room and ordered pizza at 12. We were at the conference till 5pm saturday then we left and went to giordonos an awsome pizza place, we had a lot of fun with chacha there (a text based Q&A service) then we left. well we were in the snooty part of town where everyone had a nice car. Of course we were in a rinky dink van. we decided itd be fun to play wierd als white and nerdy full blast and then amish paradise. YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THERE FACES!!!!! lol so much fun. thats my weekend was so much fun. now i have to find a decent costume for friday...
