CAUTION: Parent Rant

ok so my parents drive me insane. my dad is trying to get this new "program" for my cell that monitors my freaking text messages... here read it for yourself

Cell phones on the market today are capable of text messaging, and today’s teens have embraced texting as a common form of communication. Texting allows children to speak to each other in a “coded language” that often leaves parents in the dark regarding their activities and circle of friends. My Mobile Watchdog allows you to read their text messages and see pictures they send and receive from their phone.

WTF am i not entitled to some kind of freaking privacy? theres this girl i text and i say stuff that my parents dont really need to know about (nothing really bad) and if he gets this me and her will only have sporadic private moments wich mostly wont last long and wont be enough time to get into the types of convos we can have while texting.

for all you who dont know i live with my dad and his mom.

my dad lets me have no freedom he cant let me just go somewhere and be by myself hes always there or makes another adult watch me. why do i have to put up with this. ive done nothing wrong that would deserve this kind of treatment from them, yet i recieve it none the less.

honestly he is ruining my life he wont help with car payments or drivers ed. or insurance, or gas. My last girlfriend cant talk to me now because of him getting involved and the last girl (besides the current one i like) i liked wont talk to me becasue of him. I swear with every fiber in my being that if he should ever and i mean EVER be the cause of the person i like now to stop talking to me and to hate me i will hurt him, and hurt him bad. Theres only so much i can take before i break.

arnt parents supposed to be supportive? My dad tells me i cant do anything that i aspire to do. i went to learn to play electric guitar you know what my fucking father said? he said "ha good luck i couldnt do it how do you spose you can?" WHAT THE FUCK kinda answer is that? he said in front of my friend and her mom today that i was stupid what kind of kid puts there kid down like that? one thats jealous? one thats a horrible person? a little bit of both maybe? i think its both. no i know its both. you see my dad had no good friends growing up i bet and he was divorced twice. hes obviously got something wrong with his ability to pick women, maybe he sees that i like females whom are of a good moral standard and he sees me being able to marry once and sustain that mairrage and so hes jealous. i think part of it is that he realizes that i am truly smarter than he is and he hates to admit it, he never listens to my ideas and every time "i say i was thinking.." he says "uh oh" he cant help but discourage those who are obviously better at most everthing than him. not to be concieted but that would describe me being better than him at most everything.

i dont know how much more i can take but i have to say if it wasnt for this one girl the one i happen to like i would have lost it a while ago and beat his face into the ground.

dont think i forgot about the video but i had to rant so here it is...
