Hey everyone, Im finally posting something. Sorry for taking so long, buut, I have been kinda grounded aaand, kinda still am sooo... I cant get on much.... ">> So much has happened during the time Ive been gone though, I dont even know where to begin. Also before I begin, I must state that this is all written via phone, meaning terrible terrible spelling errors. X_x

So, school. I guess I could start with that. From what I know at this current point in time, I will be attending a "real" school. ~For those of you who dont know, I am currently homeschooled~

Artwise Ive begun drawing again. Ive finished up a self portrait, an anime me, a my little pony and a few Junie B. Jones drawings. I plan on drawing Strawberry Short Cake, Garfield, Pooh Bear and a few others. I will gratefully accept requests, I need something to occupy myself with until Im ungrounded. And that could be forever....

I love the winter.. I know, thats really weird and unheard of, but I like it. I love the way the bare tree branches look against the dull cloud covered sky. The leaves scattered on the ground, the cold numbing my fingers.

As for my writting, Ive fallen a bit behind, cant do much without my lappy. T^T I have created a few characters in my spare time as well as a few.more ideas but I cant really write... I only have a few sheets of notebook paper left too... I guess that means I should buy some more then huh? Its so hard ti write it out though.. I get to the fifth paragraph and suddenly I need to add something to the second, but have no room for it, then I have to write in the margins until there us not enough room, then I have to rewrite it aaalll over again. *sighs* I miss my laptop so much...

I dont have the time to write much more than that, but otherwise my lifes just been organized chaos as always. Stay safe everyone, and have a good day/night, kay? :3


Hello everyone. I haven't posted in a while, I know, but I have been super busy with school.

BuuuuuuuuUuuUUT I looked in my backroom today and it appears thaaaat. I HAVE REACHED 406 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Claps and cheers are heard*

I would like to thank all of you who take the time out of your days to read the things I write. ♥

Anyways, I hope all of you are doing well. My past two days have been pretty good. I have a ton of school to finish up, but I will manage. I wish all of you good luck. I will try to post again soon. Bye everyone. Have a good day/night.

The take over begins...

Today has been an ok day, not too good, not too bad. A lot happened however, some things happy, some sad, some annoying and some shocking. I managed to finish two digital paints today. My dog chewed yet another hole in my mattress so I have started sleeping on my futon/ couch thing. Chat has been pretty slow the past two days, even so those ‘higher ups’ still made their room and stayed there aalll day. I think they are planning to take over the O…

I found this quote that I really like.
“There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense.” Jane Austen “Pride and Prejudice”

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How lovely! :D

So something else happend today... Something that completely turned my day around. (Continue to wallow in suspense X3) Anyways I got rid of the terrible thing I had gotten into and am in a great mood. For once, litterally great, not ok just ok. And for my happiness, I share these.

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I haven't laughed this much in quite a while. XDDDD
Anyways, you all have a great day/night. I will post again when I can.


Sorry again for not posting in a while. Things have been kinda hectic. I have found myself in something absolutely terrible…. Buuuut… I wont tell you what it is….. (Sit in suspense >D) I have been in the chat a lot lately as well. Tis addicting….