Today has been a pretty uneventful, ‘normal’ day. My dog refuses to stop pacing, he even decided to jump in my lap several times today. He is half way in my lap now. (Do you have any idea how hard it is to type with a Doberman in your lap?) Still working on school, parents yelling about random things. Getting ready to clean the kitchen. Yep, just a ‘normal’ day.

I really need to clean my room. My dog has decided to chew up everything in sight and spread things around my room. Total casualties so far: 7. Things spread: My blankets, pillows, fluff from his kennel (From a giant elephant he tore up), a weird net type thing, some empty water bottles, wood pieces from an old train set he chewed and a few miscellaneous things he took from my desk, vanity and shelf.

After looking at some of Alex’s (UnknownKey) drawings and sketches, I realized that I have not tried to draw myself. Inspiration!!! This adding something new and different to my ‘current’ list. I have almost finished my- Ok, I had to push him out of my lap, this is just too hard… - ‘Circus Monster’ drawing, and I know I have probably said that twice already, but I have had a lot of other things that were getting in the way of finishing it. (Like new drawing ideas and INSPIRATION)

I am still wearing my wristband from the fair three days ago, I don’t know why really. I guess I just like it, and I kinda want to see how long it will stay on. I will try to post again tomorrow, but for now I must go, my people need me. :P

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