
Just letting you all know that I'm still alive.
I'm sorry that I haven't commented on things recently, I've just been really lazy

I began my summer homework today.
You see, I have to read a book (Of Mice and Men), do a vocab packet for it and do questions for each chapter.
So, today I just finished the vocab and wrote down all the questions on a separate sheet of paper. (well, 6 different pieces of paper. One for each chapter)
I believe I've gotten an alright start on it, even if I haven't started the book yet.

I have basically fallen for Reba (AGAIN) but I'm trying my best not to go down that road (especially sense she never really liked me that way)
So, yeah... there's that.

My dad's still an alcoholic, as usual.

I've been making more and more youtube videos.

If you wanna check them out my account name is:

I guess that's it.

1) have you ever read "Of Mine and Men"?
2) What do you have planned for this weekend?
3) What's one thing you do when you're bored?
~My Answers~
1) No, but I'm going to.
2) Nothing yet.
3) make videos.

~Pic of the day~
