Japanese RPGs vs Western RPGs

Today we are going to talk about RPGs. But since this is the world mostly presented for Eastern, so to say Japanese themes, I will try to present to you Japanese RPGs games and their uniqueness and differences between Western ones. So shall we start?


Well for all of you, you should probably know that Japan highly use anime art for anything, not only for our standard animes and manga. They also use them for the covers of their novels (which many at the end become animes itself) advertisements and more importantly, for video games. Most of their video games are anime based. Hard to picture, but they usually use typical animation for the movies inside the game and for the in-graphics they use cel-shading, which is the best way to show anime graphics in that way. Think of it like a 3D anime.

Now as for Western ones, they are mostly based on the realistic or so to say fantasy type of graphics. Note that all Japanese RPGs are not anime based. For example, Final Fantasy is not, but Final Fantasy still has different engine for graphics than western ones giving it more mystical and beautiful effect around it.


As for the sound, it comes the usual and most of you will recognize it. Because J-RPG use well made soundtrack, usually computer made for them. The music is just… phenomenal. To most of them that is. Lately mostly of them, like famous one Dragon Quest, Tales of and of course Final Fantasy, use the symphonic orchestra to produce OST. From fighting ones to just pure relaxing, they will leave a big impression on you. One of my favorites are those of Final Fantasy.

As for Western ones, in late they also use orchestra ones for modern games. Though they have more smoother appealing tune. Not something that you will remember or that might get in your head, but just for the events and places that the game is set. They however do well job in sound effects which is on what you will get more attention than actual OST in this case.


Most of the J-RPG games come out on consoles, while western ones started one computers, but lately they also make their releases on consoles as well.


Now what most of you may find different in the gameplay. Japanese RPGs are basically the ones that started on making the future RPGs look like they are and it started with the game called Dragon Quest. It featured turn based RPG battles, where you think before a turn and input commands to what to do. Pretty challenging and fun on it's own way.

The Western ones are more on the action side, meaning that even if there are common stuff like experience points and items, it still let you to fully control your character. Not in all games, but it is usually that type. Fast based, but not so much in thinking. Again matter of opinion and choice.


Possible the strongest aspect why I like J-RPGs and why they are different from other ones, is that they have a very good storyline. It is just so good. They are usually very touching and have a deep meaning behind them. Lost and lots of twist and story changing, as well many other events. All characters have their own personality, something similar as in anime. They more focus on the main story than on the side stories there.

Now as for the Western ones, their story can also be like a fable (hence, there is a game called Fable), but most of them are told in a typical medieval legends way. Now as for those that take a step forth, there are also other influences and the story as it is might be addicting, but it is similar to pure movie. You might enjoy it, but I prefer the first option. It is just about the taste.


Now I could be writing quite much here about them and I wrote not that much, but still I think that you got the main point and difference there. In late, many of them are starting to get influenced by other sides, both in Japanese and Western RPGs. But still, they all remain unique on their own way.

My personal recommendations for J-RPGs: Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Tales of series, Wild Arms, Xenosaga, Xenogears, Suikoden…
My personal recommendations for W-RPGs: Mass Effect, The Elder Scrolls, Fable, Dragon Age…

J-RPG, screenshots!

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http://www.damnlag.com/wp-content/uploads/dragon-quest-8.jpg" width="px" alt="External Image">

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W-RPGs screenshots!

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This video is about the new release game, Final Fantasy Versus XIII which is said to be influence by Romeo and Julia tale!
