Hello and welcome to Keba's Anime and Manga Place (KAAMP for short)! Here at KAAMP, I write about anime and manga that I have seen/read as well as my views on them. I'll also post about my original stories from time to time.

Just beware that some of my posts contain spoilers. I'll put them in spoiler tags just in case.

KAAMP's history: KAAMP was created in July 2002 by yours truly. It was a sloppy-looking website on Yahoo's now defunct Geocities. I posted my anime fan art on that site. Also, for a time, I posted my thoughts on the few anime series that I had seen. Now that I look back on it, my thoughts were rather ill-informed (is that even a word?) because I had only seen bits and pieces of anime dubs. Now that I've seen more series, I think that my commentary on various anime will be a little better than before.

So, come on in and stay awhile! KAAMP is now in session.

Tagged Times Three

I'm finally doing this.

Rule one: Always post the rules.
Rule two: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write eleven new ones.
Rule three: Tag as many people as possible and let them know you tagged them!!

From SmallxLady

If given the chance would you leave this world to live in an anime world? if so what world and why?

I'm not sure about this one. Various anime worlds sound fun, but I get the feeling that they're also pretty dangerous.

Can you play an instrument?

Yes! I can play the guitar.

Whats something you've always wanted to do?

Be in a band.

Whats the strangest dream you can remember?

I think that the dream that stuck with me the most was the one that inspired my story, The Rebels of Planet Aadau. It was a dream that was heavily based upon the first Pokemon movie. In this dream, Mewtwo (although somehow I knew that his name was really "Myutou") was leading a group of unrecognizable (mutant?) Pokemon through a bunch of tunnels to escape something. Then a bunch of people found them and started shooting at them.

The freaky thing is that I saw something that looked like an Electivire in the dream, but at the time, Generation II was just starting to be rolled out. So I saw a Generation IV Pokemon before it was ever designed.

What is your favorite school subject?

I don't think I had a favorite, but my best was French. Sadly, I can't recall much of it now.

What would you choose as your own personal theme song?

I don't know. I have yet to write it.

What creature surpasses the other vampire or werewolf?

Neither! It's all about dragons, yo.

Would you be the hero or the villain?

I'm probably more of a hero type, but I'm not sure.

Name one thing you couldnt live without.

My laptop.

Oh no! Theres only one type of food left on the planet! What is it?

Peanut butter. Don't ask me why.

What voice acter would you love to meet and why?

I have no clue. I don't really watch dubs, and I wouldn't be able to communicate with the Japanese voice actors.

What do you think of me? =o

I think you're a fun person to talk to.

From Judai Winchester

1. Is there an anime guy or girl you have a crush on? Or maybe real life celebrity?

I don't know about anime characters, but I've had a thing for Jon Bon Jovi for the longest time.

2. Which anime character do you relate to? Can be more than one, I personally relate to Judai from GX the most.

The one I relate to the most is likely Hotaru (Sailor Saturn) from Sailor Moon. When I first learned about her, we were very much alike: shy, sickly, and with few friends. When I finally DID make some friends, we pretended we were the characters from the show. Obviously, I was Hotaru. I still have all the Saturn-themed crafts they gave to me.

3. What or who inspired you to draw?

To be honest, I can't answer that. I've been drawing as far back as I can remember, so maybe it was Disney movies?

4. If you could live in an anime universe, where would it be? I'd live in Yu-Gi-Oh GX so I could attend Duel Academy. :)

Currently, I don't know, but 13-year-old me would have liked to live in the Sailor Moon universe. I'd want to be friends with all the characters.

5. Is there an anime opening you'd like to change and swap out for another song?

Of the anime I've seen, I don't have any problems with the openings. Although I saw a video of the opening for Parasyte, and I thought the song was absolutely terrible. I don't know what I'd change it to, but I'd definitely change it.

6. Is there an anime character that is like you? Did they have similar experiences like yours?

I think that my answer would be very similar to the one for question 2.

7. What about anime or manga inspires you?

I think it's mostly the continuing, sometimes complicated, storylines. And I like the aesthetic, too.

8. What do you think about me? (Couldn't think of anything else)

I mentioned this in my voice meme way back when, but I think you're like that younger cousin that I never had.

From GeekyBluez

1.) If you were given the chance to go to Japan, what would be your reason to go?

This is going to blow your minds, and you might not believe me, but my dad knew a Japanese man who went on to becoming a high-ranking political official. Don't ask me his name or title, because I'm going to get it wrong. So, my dad is planning to go to Japan for the 2020 Olympics. And he wants to take the family. And although airplanes make me very sick, I'd go.

2.) If you have the right materials, which character would you cosplay as? (Could be any character from any television, video game, book, etc. series).

I don't want to be cliche, but I'm gonna be cliche anyway. If I had all the materials, I'd upgrade my Greed cosplay. Which is what I'm planning to do anyway. I don't want to go around with a faux fur collar stuck to a vest with safety pins everywhere. Now I just gotta figure out where to get sunglasses that look just like his (though mine are pretty close).

3.) If you have any, what is your all-time favorite video game?

It would be either Pokemon Yellow or Pokemon Silver.

4.) What sort of anime genres do you enjoy?

I'm kind of an action/adventure type. Fantasy and sci-fi are cool, too. Really, I enjoy just about anything as long as it's not pornographic.

5.) What kind of anime merch do you want?

EVERYTHING! Well, everything for series that I like, anyway.

6.) If you were to choose any sort of accent to have, which would you pick?

I think I'm content with my own bland, American accent.

7.) Here's a classic one!: any sort of super power you wish to have? (Go crazy and creative! There are no boundaries!)

I totally want healing abilities.

8.) #MyFirstComic was trending today... What was your first comic/manga? (It could either be owned or read).

My first comics were stuff that showed up in the newspaper. Mutts and Calvin and Hobbes were both favorites. As for manga, it would be Death Note.

9.) Would you rather advance your art skills or your video gaming skills?

Art skills, definitely. I'm kind of a lost cause when it comes to gaming.

10.) Do you prefer tea or coffee?

TEA HECK YEAH!!!!!!!!!

11.) Who do you want to meet personally? (Could be celebrity, Youtuber, member on theO, etc.)

I have yet to meet a single person that I met online. So it would have to be someone on theO. I'd LOVE to meet up at a con or something. There are other people on different sites that I would have loved to meet, but we have since lost touch.

Now, my questions:

1. What are some of your favorite sites (besides theO, of course)?

2. What's something you've never done but want to try (like a hobby, sport, or other activity)?

3. What's the most obscure musical artist that you listen to? What genre?

4. Is it bad that I stuck two questions into #3?

5. How much rye would a Raichu chew if a Raichu could chew rye?

6. Have you seen the marvelous Breadfish?

7. What anime have you seen that you think everyone should see? List as many as you want.

8. Do you prefer music with singers that sing in your native language or ones that sing in other languages?

9. What is your opinion on elephants?

10. Is it hot or cold where you are right now?

11. What is a word that you know that doesn't often come up in conversation?

I tag whoever wants to do this.

Tagged Times Three

Before I begin, I just want you to know that you should feel free to comment on my previous post.

I was tagged by Usa and Judai.

Edit: And Elricz.

Rule one: Always post the rules.
Rule two: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write eleven new ones.
Rule three: Tag as many people as possible and let them know you tagged them!!

1) If you could taste only one flavor what would it be and why?

Chocolate. 'Cause I like chocolate.

2) What is your bigest dream?

To be a rock star.

3) Is there a cosplay you would never do?

Anything that exposes my midriff. If I absolutely had to do something like that, I'd wear a skin-tight body suit.

4) Which is better pokemon or digimon?

Right now, my vote goes to Pokemon. Digimon has gotten ridiculous... but I hear it's returning to its roots in 2015.

5) Who is you anime/manga/game crush(es)?

The first anime crush I ever had was Mewtwo. Yes, the Pokemon. Don't judge. Honestly, I don't get the point of falling in love with fictional characters since they can't love you back. Having said that, I'm a pretty hardcore fangirl of Greed from the FMA manga. Why do I always go for the non-human ones?

6) If the world were like kingdom hearts, what disney world would you live in?

I hardly know a thing about Kingdom Hearts, but it would be cool to live in the world of The Lion King. But then I'd have to be an animal.

7) Where is your favorite place to vacation?

I haven't been on a vacation in years, but if I could revisit any places, they would be Aspen, Colorado and San Francisco, California.

8) Im getting my trainer on here, which starter would you chose and why?

Chikorita!!!!!!!!! Do I need to explain why?

9) If the doctor asked you to join him on his journey...would you?

No. Instead, I'd tell him to pay a visit to my friend who's a die-hard Doctor Who fan.

10) What is the strangest question youve ever asked someone?

What's your opinion on flamingos? I have asked that one multiple times. My favorite response: "They're ugly."

11) If you could pick one character from anything to hang out with for a day, who is it and what did you choose them?

The first one that comes to mind is Usagi from Sailor Moon. I bet she'd be a lot of fun.


1. In what anime world would you love to live in and why?

I'd live in the world of Pokemon. Come on, REAL POKEMON!!!!

2. What or who inspired you to join theOtaku.com?

A person who has since deleted her account. It's kind of a long story how I got here.

3. What anime character do you relate to the most and why?

There are actually three that I can relate to. The first would be Hotaru from Sailor Moon because she has a hard time opening up to people. The second is L from Death Note because we have similar likes and dislikes. The final one is (Broken Record Mode Activate!) Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist (manga continuity) because READ ALL THIS.

4. Is there a magical power or ability you've always dreamed of having?

Instant healing.

5. Is there any place you've always wanted to visit or explore, anywhere in the world?

Yes-- Poland, for personal reasons.

6. Have you ever wanted to meet somebody famous living or passed? If so who is it and why?

My first inclination is to say Jon Bon Jovi, but I don't even know why anymore.

7. Name your favorite anime opening song here :) Mine's JOINT by Mami Kawada from Shakugan no Shana, what's yours?

I can't pick just one! One of these days, I'll make a post with all my favorite openings and endings.

8. What anime is your ALL Time favorite?

I don't think I can answer that. To pick an all time favorite means that it's your favorite, past, present, and future. How do I know that a yet-to-be-made anime won't dethrone that "all time favorite".

9. Name one character to go with you on vacation. (Any character from any genre)

Um... Jigglypuff.

10. What anime introduced you to the world of anime and manga?

Sailor Moon.

11. Favorite anime ending song?

Refer to question 7.

12. What do you think of me? :3

I think you're sweet and adorable.


1. Cats or dogs?

My family has always had dogs, so I guess that'll be my answer. I have nothing against cats, though.

2. Have you ever typed out "hello" on a 4-function calculator?


3. Do you have a favorite item of clothing? What is it and why is it your favorite?

I'm a jeans and t-shirts kind of person because they're comfortable to wear. I'm not one to sacrifice comfort for the sake of fashion.

4. Your guilty pleasure anime/manga?

Lemme get back to you on that. I'm planning on making a post about that subject.

5. Five random facts about yourself that nobody knows?

This is hard because I don't know what I haven't told people. I'll list whatever comes to my mind.

  • I pet animals with the back of my hand.
  • I have owned nearly as many defective iPods as I have owned working ones.
  • I own more makeup and body lotions than I know what to do with.
  • My guitars are named August and Iggy.
  • My high school had a radio station, and I was a DJ there.

6. If you almost accidentally ran your first crush over with a shopping cart in the grocery store, what would you say to them?

Oops? [/sarcasm] (If you're wondering, I'm pretty angry at my first crush now.)

8. What is your favorite movie genre?

I like pretty much anything animated or with fictional/fantastical elements it it. There are exceptions, though. Yeah, I know that's not really a genre.

9. Frozen yogurt or regular ice cream?

AAAAAHHHH! Don't make me pick!

10. How good are your foreign-accent-imitating skills?


11. Did you notice there was no #7?

I cheated. I read Moonlit Dream's answers to this meme before I filled it out, so I noticed it when I read that question.


My turn!

1. How many times has this meme been around?

2. Who decided to resurrect this meme?

3. Why can't we circulate other memes?

4. Are you sick of me asking questions about memes?

5. What if I told you there was no question #5?

6. Can you look back at embarrassing moments and laugh or do they still embarrass you?

7. Who is in your house right now?

8. What would happen if animals could speak human language?

9. Can I meet up with you at an anime con?

10. Is immortality a good thing or a bad thing?

11. What's your opinion on flamingos?

I tag anyone who hasn't done one of these. IE nobody.

Voice Meme (Now with Music!)

I hope this works. I uploaded my voice meme to Google Drive. Here is the link. I'm afraid you'll have to download it in order to listen to it. Also, the file is kind of big. If, for some reason, you can't hear it, let me know and I'll do my best to fix the problem.

You can listen to my songs on my Tumblr page. Let me know if you run into any problems playing them.

Below are the questioners. Check the comments if you want to see the answers to their own questions.

MangaKid's Questions
1. YES Can you Please play us a song on your guitar!?!
2. How long have you been into anime/manga?
3. Do you have an awesome dream?
4. Have you been in love?
5. Favourite food?
6. Where do you want to be this very moment?
7. What does being an Otaku mean to you?

Allie Elric's Questions
1. Anyone you look up to?
2. What music do you listen to?
3. Have you written or composed songs?
4. What are your musical influences?
5. How do you stay healthy?
6. Who would you like to switch lives with, fictional or not?
7. Your favorite song to play?
8. Hardest song to learn?
9. Why did you pick guitar?
10. How did you come up with your username?
11. What would you change your username to?
12. What anime/manga do you like?
13. Anything you wish to improve on, art-related?
14. Your first anime?
15. Would you rather talk on the phone or text?
16. Do you like snow?
17. What is the strangest food you ever eaten?
18. Help me figure out your guilty pleasure.
19. What non-anime shows do you watch?
20. What fun fact do you know that others may not?
21. What is it you want to buy but can't?
22. Favorite video/comedian?
23. What is something people don't know about you?
24. What creeps you out?
25. How do you conquer life?

alphonse13's Questions
1. Do you remember how you found theOtaku.com?
2. Do you prefer to watch anime or read Manga?
3. Do you like History?
4. What was your best and worst subjects in school?
5. Ever give a pet a unique or odd name?
6. Do you have any piercings?
7. Do you like your voice?
8. Do you like Tea?
9. Do you have any siblings?
10. Do you have any irrational fears?
11. Would you rather vacation somewhere warm or cold?
12. Do you collect anything?
13. What's the worst job you've ever had?
14. Do you get along with your relatives?
15. Can you cook?
16. What time do you usually wake up at in the morning?
17. Do you eat a lot of junk food?
18. Do you remember where your first kiss was?
19. Do you have any Tattoos?
20. Do you have a role model?

elricbrothersfan's Questions
1. One item you can't live without?
2. Favorite vacation spot?
3. Least favorite food?
4. Best and worst birthday presents?
5. If you could time travel, when would you go and why?
6. Favorite catchphrase?
7. What color are your eyes?
8. Least favorite question, either out of mine or out of all the questions you were asked?

Moka's Questions
1. When did you discover anime?
2. Can I come over? :D
3. Would you ever give someone the Rejection Hotline number?
4. Can you list all of the things Timmy Turner turns Vicky into in the Fairly Oddparent's theme song?
5. What annoys you the most?
6. Have you ever had to reject someone?
7. Are you really tall?
8. Would you please sing us a song?
9. Have you ever woken up, like, 5 minutes before you needed to? (Ugh. Hate that.)

Klassic's Questions
1. When did you start drawing?
2. What is your favorite anime?
3. Have you gone on a fun vacation/vacations?
4. What do you think of me?
5. What's your favorite musical instrument?
6. Your favorite movie and/or TV show?
7. Corny I know but what's your favorite color?
8. Favorite style of art/drawing?
9. What type of music do you like?
10. What do you look for in a friend?
11. What kind of food do you like?

pandaman's Questions
1. Do you have a job?
2. Weirdest combination of food that you've eaten.
3. One of the things that people do that you think are awkward.
4. Ever have any one fell for your prank twice?
5. How did you know about FMA?

kita mikichi's Questions
1. How do you pronounce the names in "Rebels of Aadau"?

izuzu15's Questions
1. If you could invent any mechanical or electric or any sort of device, what would it be??? What type of thing? What would it be able to do?
2. What do you think a manga cover should have?
3. Which do you like better, desktop or laptop???

gerychan's Questions
1. how would be your life without anime and manga?
2. what do you think about yourself?
3. do you like chess?
4. who's your favorite color?
5. do you judge people by their aparence ?
6. what do you like to change in your life?

Might Be as Close to the Voice Meme as I Get

I don't usually do stuff that involves getting tagged and passing it on, but I was tagged twice thrice four times. Does this make me popular?


I'm not going to tag anyone 'cause it seems like almost everyone has already tagged almost everyone else. If 11 of you want to snag my questions and repost them, feel free.

From CelestialSushi:

1. Is there any anime/manga/game character who you absolutely can't stand (and if yes, who are they)?

There aren't really any that I absolutely can't stand, but there are a few anime characters who have huge followings, but I can't understand why. Some that instantly come to mind are Matt from "Death Note" (I dedicated a post to this some years ago.), Uchiha Sasuke from "Naruto" (he doesn't seem to have any redeeming qualities-- what does Naruto see in him?), and Envy from "Fullmetal Alchemist" (I don't care if he's cute-- he's a sadistic nut! And what's with that outfit?). Keep in mind that I don't hate these characters; I just don't know why people love them so much.

2. If you could commission a painting, what would it be of?

I'm not sure I understand. Would I be paying someone else to do a painting for me or the other way around? Either way, I don't know what the painting would be of.

3. If you want to go to Japan, what's one of the things/places you'd want to do/see?

I'm not sure. Maybe I'd go see a shine. They look really pretty.

4. Who is your favorite Winnie the Pooh character?

Definitely Rabbit. From the book, mind you. He was a smart character and a real leader. Disney just turned him into an uptight grump who was the butt of every joke.

5. Is there a book/story you'd like to see adapted by Studio Ghibli?

I really can't think of one. Just nothing too moralistic.

6. What is your favorite sea creature?

Again, not sure. I like the ones that live at the bottom of the ocean 'cause they glow.

7. If you could mine for anything out of the earth, what would it be?

Since chocolate isn't mine-able, I guess gemstones. Then I could sell them on eBay. I could use the cash.

8. If you could have a music box that plays any song, what would it play?

I do have a music box that can play any song! It's called an iPod. It mostly plays rock songs.

9. What is one of your must-have/signature clothing accessories?

I have a blue bracelet that looks like a belt. It has my name (Keba, not my real name) on it. I try to wear it a lot, but sometimes I forget.

10. Name one movie you're looking forward to seeing in the future.

I'm way behind when it comes to movies. I haven't seen one in years. Seriously. There are some Pixar movies that I want to see, but haven't. My friend has also been encouraging me to watch the remake of Fright Night.

11. Do you know what a laser disc is?

Yes, actually, I do. I watched them in my French class in high school. I'm not trying to date myself. I'm trying to date the French lessons on the laser discs. They were good lessons, though. Just outdated.

From Kita Mikichi:

1. What's your favorite type of music?

ROCK!!!!!!!!! m/ >_< m/

2. What's your favorite genre in movies, anime, TV and/or books?

I like sci-fi books, action/adventure anime, and animated movies and TV shows. I know "animated" isn't exactly a genre. Maybe comedy movies and TV shows? But most animated comedies are more dirty than funny. I don't like those.

3. Name a video/computer game in your library.

Pretty much all the video games I've played actually belong to my brother. Unless you count my dead Gen I and II "Pokemon" games.

4. Now name your favorite non-electronic game.


5. Who's your theOtaku buddy? Give 'em a shout-out! :D

I'd like to give a shout-out to my new friend, Elricz!

6. Share a special memory?

March 1, 2003: I got my driver's license and went to my first rock concert ON THE SAME DAY!

7. Name the last thing you and a friend or family member did for fun.

I went out to lunch with a friend to celebrate her birthday. That was fun.

8. Got any siblings?

Yes. As I mentioned, I have a brother.

9. Got any pets?

My mom has a dog. He's not really my dog since I moved out.

10. How's the weather in your area right now?

Rainy. And dark.

11. Did you thank someone you appreciate today?

I don't think the opportunity arose today.

From Elricbrothersfan:

1. Paper or plastic?

Paper. It's hard to draw on plastic.

2. Least favorite movie and why?

I'm sure there are worse movies that I've seen, but right now the one that's sticking in my mind is "Billy Madison" because back in 6th grade, these two girls kept bullying me by constantly saying, "You ain't cool until you pee your pants. Are you gonna pee your pants?" How the [expletive] am I gonna respond to that? Now this was before I even saw the movie. Once I finally did see the movie and they showed that scene, I instantly hated the movie because of those two stupid girls.

3. Favorite movie and why?

I can't think of one favorite. As I said in a previous question by a previous person, I like Pixar movies. I think the visuals are stunning. I also like the humor and sight gags (I try to see where they fit "A113" in all the movies).

Oh, my gosh! How could I forget "Star Wars"??? I'm a fan of IV, V, and VI. But not all the little things that were done to alter them. (Greedo did not shoot first!)

4. Estimated no. of times people have said hi to you this week:

Uh. 38?

5. Does being alive mean living life to the fullest?

Yes. My favorite song agrees with me, too.

6. If you could meet anyone from any time period in all of human history, who would it be and why?

If there is an afterlife, I'd try to seek out John Lennon to apologize for once saying that the Beatles were only considered legends because he was dead. What can I say? I was 16, under-educated in the classics, and trying too hard to stand out. My opinion has since changed. That's why I'd want to apologize. But even in the afterlife, I bet many souls would want to seek him out so they can REALLY rest in peace. Dude, that sounded so wrong.

7. If somebody gave you $10 right now, what would you spend it on (or save it) and why?

Groceries. 'Cause I need some.

8. Is there something you used to have that you're happier without?

10 diseased inches of my small intestine. Yeah, you probably didn't want to know that.

9. What do you give to others that they need most?

When my friends need someone to talk to, I give them my attention.

10. Do you collect anything?

CDs!! Manga!! Plushies!! Art supplies!! I want everything in the world!!! *Shot.*

11. Did you like the questions?

For the most part, yes. The movie ones were hard, though. Did you like my answers?

From NadjaWolf:

1. Favorite song?

"It's My Life" by Bon Jovi.

2. Coke or Pepsi?

I don't really drink either. But my family is mostly leaning toward the Coke side.

3. So you call it Pop or Soda?

Pop. Everyone thinks I'm weird for doing that. I guess I'm living in the one place in the Midwest where they DON'T call it "pop".

4. Do you have a Tumblr?

No, at least not yet. I do occasionally visit this one Tumblr called "Dysfunctional at Best". FMA fans should check it out. Now.

5. How old are you?

26, but not for many months longer.

6. Rave you ever Roleplayed?

Rave I roleplayed? Don't you mean "have"? Well, no. Unless playing with toys as a kid counts. But I'm curious about roleplaying, though.

7. What is your OTP. (One True Pairing)

No clue. Why does there only have to be one?

8. Favorite Youtuber?

Anyone who doesn't steal someone else's videos.

9. Favorite Season?

Not sure. Maybe early summer before it gets too hot.

10. Have you ever done the salt and ice Challenge?

No. I don't even know what that is.

11. Favorite Movie?

I answered this one already.

My lame questions:

1. What's your favorite anime or manga? Give five reasons why it's your favorite.

2. What's your occupation? ("Student" counts.)

3. What's one thing that you own and can't live without?

4. What's your favorite saying/motto/quote?

5. If Pokemon were real, which one would be your starter? (Pick ANY Pokemon, not just traditional starters.)

6. If you could start your own business, what would it be?

7. What is your most dominant flaw?

8. What is your greatest talent?

9. If you could get a tattoo, what and where would it be?

10. Are there people out there in the world whom you don't know and want to meet personally? Name some.

11. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? Who?

I tag the first 11 people who comment (you specifically have to say that you want to fill out this meme):

1. elricbrothersfan