To-Do's, Ramblings, and Other Stuff

Is it just me, or are more of my posts becoming about me and my art rather than anime commentary?

Anyway, I haven't made any progress with 30DOA since my last Fan Art posts. I've tried to use Manga Studio, but it's too big a leap to draw without a rough sketch first. I have been practicing, with it, though. And there are three problems that I've found: my screen is a bit too small, I'm learning a program with an obsolete version of this program, and Manga Studio EX 5 cannot read EX 3 files. I wanna upgrade so bad, but I don't have the money.

I'm almost there with investing in a scanner. I've made money on eBay that I'm going to use to buy one. Only $70 more to go. Yay? In the meantime, I'm just going to draw on physical paper and wait until either I can buy my scanner or my dad unpacks his.

That is, if I can get myself to draw.

I feel kind of overwhelmed. When I get that way, I tend to shut down rather than attack the overwhelming-ness-itude. Not only do I have half of 30DOA to go, I promised a drawing to everyone who did my voice meme. Then there are a bunch of Challenges I want to enter. I hope I make them in time. I'm just glad that I got the cosplay one done way before the deadline. So, that's like 30 drawings right there. I may not have been able to get 30 drawings in one month, but can I do it in three?

Then there's the voice meme itself. I'm going to record it tomorrow. I hope. I'm afraid the guitar part will have to be separate. I talked with my guitar teacher and he wants me to turn the track into a full-blown song. And I like that idea. I even used a bass guitar for the first time. So it's going to sound a lot more polished than I had intended. That takes work, but I'm willing to do it.

As for the big post I said I was going to make in July, that's going to be delayed until my voice meme is posted. So expect it soon. "Soon" being defined as "whenever I feel like writing it". As I said, I sometimes get overwhelmed by big things.

Speaking of writing, it seems that the only times I want to write stories, I can't. Like when I'm driving. Or buying groceries. Or when I'm at my parents' and I forgot my laptop. It's quite maddening. But "Rebels" chapter 3 is half typed out. Though I haven't edited Survival Instincts in, like, forever. There are two more little stories that I scribbled down to later be typed and posted. I think I'm going to call them "Hectico el Manifico" and "The Magic Sandwich".

I want to do one of those "ask an OC" things SO BAD. But I don't have a scanner! And I have so many other art projects to do! All of this is driving me crazy!! Should I just start it up anyway? You people don't mind waiting, do you? I'll probably compile all the questions into one big fan comic. After all, that's kind of what the answers will be like.

I'm also coming up with all kinds of OCs that have no stories or partial stories. Not good. I've got enough to deal with already. But just so I don't forget, I'm kicking around this idea in which a fairy's soul gets sealed in the body of a werewolf in order to tame him. It's kind of like Naruto's situation in reverse.

If that's not enough, I'm kicking around this idea about forming a group to make a story, draw it, put it into a movie and add sound and voice work. Kind of like a fan-dubbed manga. Only with original artwork. I have a vague idea of what I want to do, but the idea is so vague that I wouldn't mind if it was vetoed.

OK, I'm done rambling. Comments? Concerns? Cookies?
