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What can I say? I couldn't think of a better title. Anyway, time for a long-overdue post.

I have everything block. Not writer's block, not art block-- everything block. I haven't had much free time due to the fact that I'm getting more hours at work, but when I do have time to myself, I don't know what to do. The problem is that I don't even feel like doing anything. So, I get bored and frustrated, and usually end up sleeping the day away. Depression is such a pain. Isolation is, too.

The good news is that I might be able to get my new music Challenge underway in about two weeks. I hope. I had to order this part off of Amazon, and it's due to arrive this coming Saturday. Of course, I ordered it last Wednesday, but it's getting sent out tomorrow. What it is, is an interface that should help me record my guitar. Here's hoping I can figure out how it works.
