Kagami's in Organization XIII?! Since when?!

Kagami's POV-

I sighed and flopped down on my futon. Why? Why, why, why, why, WHY? Today, of all days, TODAY?! Most tiring mission ever. EVER! My famous question, WHY? Have YOU ever tried defeating eight, yes EIGHT GIANT heartless in one mission after another in one day? No, I didn't think so. Saix loves me.

Yawning, I curled under the sheets and fell asleep, dead to the outside world.


Out of nowhere, something woke me up. It wasn't a noise, but a presence. A haunting, unfamiliar and clearly dangerous presence. I blinked my eyes open and forced myself to wake up.

"Axel? Is that you?" I rubbed my sleepy eyes as they adjusted to the darkness. "Is something wrong-" Before I knew it, a strong hand was over my mouth and another snakeing around my waist.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be this beautiful." A silky, seductive, masculine voice purred in my right ear. "Pity I won't be able to hear that lovely voice of yours."

I flailed, trying to land a hit to be able to get away. All he did was laugh softly. "Oh, I do love it when the ladies put up a fight. I love it more than when they just submit." The hand that was around my waist moved to my throat and constricted. "But you're trying to escape aren't you? That's no fun, now is it?" He tightened even more.

Scrambling, I tried to pry his hand off so I could at least attempt to call for help. However, everytime I loosened it a bit, it clamped on twice as hard as I started.

"Aw, just stop trying? Can't you see this is getting you nowhere?" He suggested. "Give up. It's no use."

No! I can't die like this! I thought. What about all I've worked for? What about my friends?

As if reading my thoughts, he reminded me that my friends weren't here and couldn't save me.

NO! Axel! Demyx! Roxas! Xion! Someone! Anyone! HELP ME!

My heart raced and my lungs screamed for air. They would never get any again. I could feel my head feeling detached from my body. I could hear my windpipe crack under the pressure. This was it.

I was really going to die.