Kagami's Backstory

"NO!" I shouted, bolting out of the room. I sprinted down the creaky stairs,
arms flailing and heart pounding.

Lance's voice resounded within my thoughts, spilling lies and half-truths to persuade me to turn back.

Back to my demise.

I knew I couldn't trust him, no matter what he said or did.

I wanted to trust him, I really did. But things can change.

Just like he did.

I kicked the ashwood door in front of me and ran out of the house, passing even more bodies of my family.

The large forest around the house became clearer as I ran farther away. I sped up, letting the ancient trees protect me from that nightmare.

Halfway into the woods, I saw a softly lit glade with just a small patch of grass and a large, flat boulder in the center.

Tired, confused, depressed, revoulted and in despair, I collapsed on the rock.

Catching my breath, I reflected on everything that just occured. And it all
boiled down to one thing:

My older brother murdered my entire family and wants to kill me too.

The tears that temporarily stopped as I fled began to leak again. One by one, they hit the ground, soaking the thirsty earth. Soon, they were in a constant stream once more.

A warm breeze blew through the branches. Underneath the rustling, I heard a twig snap sharply.

"Who's there?!" I shouted, jumping up.