Genesis’ POV -

I walked into the training room the morning after my session with Kagami for some early training (and some relaxation) and noticed the lights were on. They are never on this early in the morning. I stepped in quietly, cautious of anyone here, when something tapped my leg. Glancing down, I saw it was just who I had hoped it was.


She was fast asleep, her breath nice and even, and her face a perfect representation of peace. She must have just lost her balance and fell over. “Ah, my lovely goddess.” I knelt down and stroked her warm cheek. “Were you here all night?”

She stirred a bit and quietly mumbled my name before falling back asleep.

“So adorable.” I shook her gently to wake her up. “Oh, goddess. It is a new monrning; time to wake up.”

Her deep blue eyes opened up slowly and stared into mine. I smiled slightly and held her head in my hands so she wouldn’t hit the floor.

“Good morning, Kagami. I see you have finally awoken.”

Thank goodness for my fast relflexes, because she freaked out and sat up swiftly, nearly hitting my face in the process.

“G-G-GENESIS?!?!??!?! What are you doing here??!?!” She shouted.

“I could ask you the same thing. What were you doing in the Training Room all night?”

“Training…” She said. “Oh, crap. AUGH!!!” She freaked out again and threw her hands in the air. “I forgot! I was supposed to meet with Lazzie, but I fell asleep after Sephy left! AUGH! I’M SO SCREWED!!!”

“Kagami, calm down.” I placed my hand on her shoulder to quiet her a bit. "I’m sure Director Lazard won’t mind. You could say you were doing some late-night training and fell asleep. He most surely will understand.”

“Genesis…” Kagami bore a hole into my soul with her irresistible abandoned-puppy-dog eyes.

“Come now.” I ever-so-gently encased her hand in mine. “Why don’t I escort you to his office? My training can wait and hour or two.” I winked.

"Oh, um, thanks.” She blushed once more and gripped my hand. I realized then that perhaps, she loved me back.



Kagami’s POV –

Genesis and I walked hand-in-hand into Lazzie’s office.

“Uh, Lazzie?” I edged my way in. “I’m here for my appointment-” My sentence was cut off by a Electro-Magrod being thrust in my face. I was so glad Genesis was with me, as he caught the weapon before it actually hit me.

“That was almost too close.” He lowered the rod and glared at the attacker. “Well, look at what the cat dragged in.”

I followed his glare and saw what – or whom – he was talking about. Reno, Rude and Tseng were in Lazard’s office also. Right, I should mention for future reference that it was Reno who attacked me.

“Ah, Kagami.” Lazard spun around in his leather chair. “You are exceptionally late. Any particular reason why?”

“I overslept.”

“Our meeting last night was at 10.”

Irk. “I- was training, fell asleep, and didn’t wake up until a while ago.”

“I see.” Lazard re-arraged some papers on his desk, a sure sign of disappointment. “I’ll excuse you this time, but remember that you are to arrive promptly NEXT time, do you understand?”

“Yes sir…”

“Anyways, I have an assignment for you, Kagami.”

“It’s about time.” I tried to figure out where in the world I could be going…some place warm, I hoped. “Where to?”

“Banora. There have been some riots at the local mako reactor. We need a mediator to step in before we get SOLDIER involved.”

“Banora? I’ve always wanted to go there! I’ve heard that their apples are delicious!” That and Genesis lived there.

“You are to be escorted by Tseng and Sephiroth.”

“Aw, why does Sephy have to come?” I complained. “You know, he's not going to make this trip much fun for me!”

“He can always decline.”

“BUT HE WON'T. He likes his assignments too much.”

“Fine. Then is there someone specific you would like to come with you instead? I may be able to make an arrangement.”

I blushed and looked away. “Well…” I trailed. “Genesis would be nice…”

Lazard laughed. “Oh, I understand now.” Another target for my glare appeared. “Alright then, I’ll alert Sephiroth that he is to not go on the assignment.” Lazard turned a bit to Genesis and handed him a paper. “Genesis, you will go in Sephiroth’s stead.”

“It will be an honor, sir.” Genesis accepted.

“I’m assuming that thing will be flying us there.” I pointed to Reno.

“HEY! I’m no thing, yo!” Here we go…

“Yes,” Lazard said. “The Turks have sent us their best helicopter pilots: Reno and Rude. They won’t be accompanying you on your assignment; they are merely transportation.”

“Suits them.” I scoffed.

“What gives, yo?!” Reno shouted. Three, two, one…

“Can you quit it with the ‘yo’? It’s not very cute. Now, if you say something like ‘nya’ or ‘neh’ or even ‘eh’ at the end of your sentences, it would be tolerable. But why ‘yo’ in the first place? It’s not even a real word!”

“When you were working for us, you didn't care, yo!”

It seems that lately, whenever Reno and I get within earshot of each other, we fight. “Yeah, ‘working for us’ being the operative phrase! I was so BEYOND irritated, but because you and Rude-sempai were my superiors, I couldn’t say anything! But now that I’m with SOLIDER, it doesn’t matter anymore, does it?”

“Oh, so you still call Rude ‘sempai’ and you don’t consider ME your ‘sempai’ any more? What is this, yo?”

“ENOUGH WITH THE ‘YO’!” Reno and I literally butted heads and growled at each other while glaring.


Genesis’ POV –

While Kagami and Reno continued fighting like two beta fish in a tank, Rude commented to me about how those two used to be good friends. How in the world was that possible?

I left them to each other’s throats and asked the Director when we will be leaving.

“You will be leaving in one hour.” He glanced over at our two ‘friends’. “That is, if they get their acts together. I’m not sure when that will be.”

“I see.” I couldn't stand Kagami and Reno fighting anymore, so I broke the two of them up. “Kagami, don't you think that you should be packing for the assignment? We are going to be departing in one hour.”

“For real?” She glanced at her watch just to make sure I wasn't lying. “Man, I have to get going then! See ya later, Genesis, Rude-sempai, Tseng, Reno!” She dashed out the door before I could even say 'wait'.