Kagami's POV-

I can't believe that I'm spending a weekend with Genesis (almost) alone!
I spaced out, while packing my bag. This is going to be perfect~ I sighed dreamily as I shoved another t-shirt into the bag. I can just see it now... Me and Genesis, just sitting next to each other under a Banora White tree in each other's arms as we watch the sunset. And then when the sun goes down, things get a little hotter-

"Are you ready to leave yet, Kagami?" Genesis walked in without knocking. Of course.

"D-Doncha ever KNOCK?!" I blushed profusely and looked away.

"I did knock." LIES. "And please answer my question."

"I-I'm ready." I zipped up my bag and walked out with him. "Sorry for taking so long."

"You did not take long." To my surprise, Genesis actually made a pass to me. He kissed me on the forehead. Maybe he DOES like me! "I was merely checking in on my rebellious goddess. I was not sure if you would take flight without me or not."

"Genesis, know I would never leave you." I met his eyes and the full force of what I just said impacted me like a tidal wave.

Genesis genuinely smiled. "I know you wouldn't."


Genesis' POV-

One thing I vowed never to do was to fall in love. That rule was broken when I met Kagami. My second vow never to do was to kiss a woman.

That was just broken.

I pulled Kagami close to me and kissed her hard and passionatly. I could feel myself going higher and higher with every second. I could feel this animal inside me taking control as she let her guard down and let me take everything. I was ready to do anything and everything to her.

I nearly lost myself again.

Thankfully, I heard someone's heavy footsteps coming toward us.

"Angeal has impeccable timing, does he not?" I broke the kiss and wiped Kagami's lips. "We'll continue later." I whispered in her ear after kissing her on the cheek.

"GEEEENNNNNEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS....." Flames followed Angeal as he thundered toward Kagami and I.

"Angeal, what seems to be the matter?" I asked, wrapping my arm around Kagami's shoulders.


"Oh, that." I said nonchalantly. "Angeal, you are blowing it out of proportion. We are going on an assignment to Banora to ensure that no riots happen at the mako reactor. Nothing more, nothing less." Correction: We are going down to Banora to offically become a couple. Anything more, nothing less. I glanced over to Kagami who appeared disappointed, who clearly lacked the ability to read minds. I winked, silently telling her "Or so he thinks" to give her some reassurance. "Isn't that right, Kagami?"

"Yeah. He's right, Angeal." She agreed. "And it's not like we are going to be alone. Three Turks are coming along for the ride."

Angeal crossed his arms and paused in thought. "Alright then." He said after everything processed. "But just as a warning, don't either of you DARE do anything REMOTELY stupid or reckless, understood?"

"I wouldn't even dream of tainting my goddess." I said.

"Good. Just remember that." Angeal looked back and death glared me. "Especially you, Genesis."

"Of course, Angeal."

After Angeal left, Kagami collasped into my arms. "That was a little too close for my tastes..."

"I agree." I resisted the urge to bend over and throw her into another kiss.

"How do you think he'll react when we come back and say we're a couple? Or even before then?" Kagami said looking up at me.

I may return to the lifestream by then... I sighed. "It's a shame he regards you so closely to his daughter."

"He has children?!" As with any normal person, Kagami jumped up in shock at the mere thought that someone like Angeal would have children.

"No." I shook my head. "He had a wife, but she tragicly died in childbirth along with his newborn twins. Almost ironicly, they were a boy and a girl."

"That's terrible!" She gasped.

"That is why he has always looked out for Zack. He sees his son in him." I explained.

"And...he sees his me?" Kagami pointed to herself in disbelief.

"Perhaps. I can not say for sure."

"Angeal... No wonder he protects me and Zack so much. He doesn't want his children hurt. Even if they aren't his own."

"I'm surprised. Many people would be almost offened that he thinks he can take the place as a father."

"Where did you get that from, Genesis? I think it's sweet." A bittersweet smile overtook her usually bright face. "My father was killed several years ago. So I don't have a father. It's nice to know that he is there for me as a dad."

"...What about your mother?" I prodded, curious.

"Killed also." She sighed in annoyance. "Too bad there isn't a motherly figure here. But SOLIDER doesn't roll that way, huh?" She smiled falsly again.

"Both your parents were killed...does that have anything to do with why you are here at SOLIDER?" I hypothesized.

Kagami lost her smile for a second and became inpressively serious. "It is part of the reason I'm in SOLIDER." Another false smile. "But I'm not authorized to say any more than that." She began walking ahead of me. "If you want more information, talk to Lazzie. He has clearance."

Taking Kagami's hand I asked the question that was already burning a hole in my head.

"Why is it that someone else has clearance to talk about your life and you do not?"

Kagami didn't show any of her usual signs of blushing as she would have if I took her hand before. "Because, I'm under a strict contract to not talk about it. Lazzie's just in the loop."

"You pitiful girl." This time, I ignored the voice that warned me to not get invovled with this girl who turned my enitre world upside down and turned the girl of my dreams around and kissed her much softer this time. This kiss was less passion and more concern and love. I didn't want to hurt or break her; I just wanted her to know that there was someone there for her, someone that she could turn to. I wrapped my arms around her thin, delicate body. "You appear to be free and in the light, but that is a lie, is it not? You are in shackles and darkness, more than any of us can imagine."

She pushed me away. After all of that, she pushed me away.

"That is not true." She smiled broadly, but not happily. She smiled in the way that someone does when they really want to cry. "I'm totally fine~!"

There was nothing more I could do for her. "If you say so." I looped my arm around hers and kissed her cheek. "Only if you say so."