A New Hope For a Broken World

Act 2 – Pasts Relived, Secrets Revealed

[Kagami, Tidus, Firion, Cloud and Cecil are traveling through a heavily wooded area, making their way to the next destination. Everyone is calm except for Kagami. She keeps looking over her shoulder as if expecting someone to appear behind her. Tidus notices this and asks]

Tidus: Uh, you alright, Kagami? You look like you've seen a ghost- Oh, sorry, I meant-

Kagami: [shakes her head] No, I know what you meant. [pauses, looking over her shoulder] I'm fine. Just a little on edge, that's all. [pause] I feel like I've been here before.

Cloud: That's what's gotten you like this?

Kagami: Not exactly. I feel like something bad has happened to me here. But I can't really remember what.

Firion: I'm sure it'll come to you eventually.

Tidus: [punches the sky] And even if something had happened, we're still here to protect you!

Kagami: [smiles] Even though I'm supposed to be the one to protect you?

Tidus: Yep!

Kagami: [softer smile] Thank you.

[Tidus blushes a bit]

Cloud: [sets his hand on Tidus' shoulder] Come on.

Tidus: R-right. [follows]

[Once he is ahead, Kagami slows her pace and goes back to her gloomy outlook. It's Cecil's turn to notice this]

Cecil: You remember, do you not?

Kagami: [nods] I didn't have the heart to tell him what it was.

Cecil: Would you be willing to tell me?

[Kagami says nothing, but begins a story. Briefly fade out once she starts, then fade back in]

Cecil: That's terrible... [pause] I see. I think I understand now why you lied to Tidus. I cannot imagine how he would react to that.

Kagami: [not smiling] Yeah...

[Kagami walks directly next to him for a while but suddenly, she senses something and runs ahead of the group in a panic]

Firion: What the-

Tidus: Huh-

Cloud: Kagami?

Cecil: Kagami!

Kagami: [thinking] No, it can't be! Not here! Anywhere but here!

[They run out of the woods and come across an old house with three floors. It is reminiscent of a small mansion. Upon closer inspection, most of the house is made of ash wood, most notably the front door, which appears to have been kicked open. A dark aura surrounds the house and out of the front door, there are small footprints coming out of the house in a dark red color, much like dried blood]

Kagami: [stops running] No...

Cloud: What is it?

Firion: Kagami!

Cecil: What happened-

Tidus: Hey! What’s wrong-

[Kagami turns around, angrily and throws her arm out to the side to stop Tidus from running ahead]

Kagami: Tidus! Stay here! Cecil, stay with him, make sure he doesn't go anywhere. Cloud, Firion. You're with me. [walks up to the house and stops, turning around] Well? Hurry up!

[Kagami, Cloud, and Firion walk into the house]

Tidus: What... just happened? What- H-Hey! Wait up-

[Tidus begins to go in after them, but Cecil grabs his arm and pulls him back]

Cecil: Tidus, it's best if you listen to her.

Tidus: Why? What's going on, Cecil?

Cecil: I...[shakes his head] When Kagami gets back, ask her.

Tidus: If you know, then why won't you tell me? What are you hiding?! Cecil! Answer me!

Cecil: This is not something for you to get angry over, Tidus! Kagami is only doing what she came here to do. She is protecting you, do you not see this?

Tidus: How is she protecting me by not telling me?!

Cecil: Because, if you were to learn the truth, it would most likely devastate you. She does not want you in that state, that is why she lied about not knowing! She does remember what happened here, but she did not wish to tell you because she knew it would hurt you to know the truth. You should be thankful that you are ignorant of the truth.

[Tidus is shocked at the paladin’s sudden outburst, but he quickly recovers]

Tidus: Still, we all have our pasts. If it would hurt us to know, then can you imagine how much it’s hurting her on the inside? It’s hurting her more; I can tell. So let’s ease her burden by you telling me what’s going on! The more of us that know, the more we can help her! Besides, she’s telling Cloud and Firion, right? And I know she told you! I don’t want to be the third wheel, so just tell me already!

[Cecil is surprised at his friend’s semi-mature answer and shakes his head]

Cecil: ... Alright, but do not blame me if Kagami gets angry at you for knowing. I did warn you, after all.

[Back inside the house, the group walks silently and with focus. Everything is dark, but every once in a while, we get a glimpse of what is inside. A hand in the light, a face stuck in a scream, blood spatters on the walls, and the massive pools of blood they travel around on the ground. At first, Firion and Cloud reel back at the sight of all the blood, but they continue on, following a completely unaffected Kagami]

Cloud: What... happened here?

Firion: This destruction...

Kagami: [quietly] …home…

Cloud and Firion: What?

Kagami: This is my home. [turns around, a shadow of her former self. Her eyes are narrow and her aura is dark] This is where I should have died.

[Cloud and Firion's eyes get wide]

Firion: S-Should have died?

Kagami: Yes. This is where my brother killed our entire family - excluding himself and me. I managed to escape this fate, only to meet with a different demise. [pause] After he killed our family, he placed a curse upon this house. Time would never affect the bodies. They are just how they were years ago. Never aging, never decaying, never resting. [walks over to a head forever stuck in a scream and closes the eyes and mouth with magic] And no matter what I do... [the eyes and mouth slowly reopen in an incredibly disturbing way] They can never rest.


Tidus: [shocked] No... way...

Cecil: Yes. That is why she did not want you go inside. For you to see something that horrible… I can not imagine what it would do to you. [pause] You have never seen death, have you?

Tidus: N-No. H-Have you seen death, Cecil?

Cecil: [hesitates] Yes. I have. Protecting those you love comes with a price.

Tidus: [scared slightly, but trying to cover it up] N-Now I know why Kagami was so jittery. I'm feeling the same way now. [shivers and rubs his hands up and down his arms to keep warm] Creepy...

Cecil: You need not worry. I have a feeling that the reason Kagami sent me out here with you was to not only make sure that you stay out here, but to make sure you receive the truth without having to lay eyes upon it.

Tidus: She’s really nice, in a really roundabout way, isn’t she?

Cecil: Yes, she is. [pause] Ah, they have returned.

[Kagami, Cloud and Firion are coming back somberly. Cloud and Firion seem slightly disturbed, and Kagami is exactly the same as she was when she was inside]

Kagami: [walking toward Tidus] Let's go. There's nothing past that house. There were no manikins, so we should be alright-

[Out of nowhere, Tidus hugs Kagami]

Tidus: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Kagami: What in the- [looks at Cecil, who nods] It's okay, Tidus. It was in the past. It doesn't affect me anymore.

Tidus: [puts his hands on her shoulders] That's a lie! If it didn't affect you, then why are you like this! This isn't you! You are usually joking, laughing and most of all: smiling. But you're not! You're not smiling! So that means that something's wrong! If it bothers you that badly, why didn't you tell us about it earlier? Then we could have avoided this route completely! And further more, if it hurts you that badly, you don't have to smile! If you want to cry, then go on ahead. None of us will think any less of you. But the worst thing you can do is smile to hide the pain! Trust me, I'd know!

Kagami: [shocked] Tidus... I don't know what to say...

Tidus: You don't have to say anything. [hugs her again] Just please, stop hiding things. I know it hurts you more than you think.

[Kagami hugs him back and leans her head into his chest. As the scene closes, we hear muffled sobs]