Kicking Mushrooms

Tue Jul 28, 2009, 2:58 AM

* Mood: Outraged
* Listening to: "Somnambulist"-BT
* Drinking: Water very fun =D So, I found out earlier today(technically yesterday now) that the main character in Burton's Alice in Wonderland is not's the freaking Mad Hatter. Dammit, Depp--yes, you're a great actor BUT YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THE FUCKING LEAD DX.

I'm a big Carroll fan and I know I'm gonna be watching the movie and cringing when something happens that wasn't really supposed all movies-based-on-books go. Calvin, we better be kicking some serious mushrooms after the movie.

Sent my fairy home with a bento lunch(and chopsticks) for him to eat at work tomorrow(pulling a double shift=17hrs)...I have a feeling he'll need more food than that =( After tomorrow, he won't have work for the rest of the week...stupid economy--Target is a horrible place to work, don't work there unless you absolutely have to!! Since that's his only source of income, he's gonna be kind of screwed...he should go kick some mushrooms.

