
Gouge out my eyes,
Rip open my skin,
Break my bones,
But don't kill me yet,
I want to feel it,
All the pain I deserve,
I want you to burn me alive.

Cut off my ears,
Mutilate me completely,
Rip out each tooth,
Break open my rib cage,
Take a bite out of my neck,
Bury me alive,
So I can feel myself fade away.

I want you to bathe in my blood,
Dance in my essence,
Waste this life because it is worthless,
Use my flesh as food,
Take out my heart and destroy it,
Well that is if I have a heart,
Because I cannot feel it beating.

This torture is nothing,
Nothing compared to how I feel,
I crave my own demise,
I wish upon all shooting stars,
That one day this beast will die,
Not by his own hands,
But by the hands of the person he loves most.
