A story about a boy

There once was a boy,
He was used like a toy,
They broke him,
They cut off a limb,
They put him back together,
He wanted to leave this world forever.

This story is about a man.

One day the boy met,
A very lovely girl on the net,
The boy was very shy,
And the girl used to cry,
He wanted to atone,
For the sins he commits while alone.

This story is about a toy.

No matter what the boy said,
The thoughts didn't stop in his head,
but the girl helped him as much as she could,
The boy should have listened but he never would,
The girl liked the boy a lot,
And she had tied his heart in a knot.

This story is about a a nobody.

The boy was never happy with his life,
All he wanted where kids and a wife,
His heart was broke and would never be hole,
The boy had a very disgusting soul,
The girl should have stayed away,
But no matter what the girl would stay.

This is a story about a creature.

One day the boy died,
No one at his funeral cried,
The boy was consumed with hate,
He met the girl due to fate,
To him she was the only one,
And they had lots of fun.

This story is about a stranger.

When the girl found out,
She did cry and she did shout,
'Why have you left me',
'I thought we were meant to be'
Her cries were never heard,
And never again would she say a word.
