My name is Samantha and I usually go by Sami. I'm a total dork, crazy and random. Yeah, I'm pretty awesome ^_~
Some facts about me:
My birthday is December 21, 1991.
My parents are divorced, and I just refer to my dad as Donnie. And sometimes my mom as Sherry, depends on if we're fighting or not.
I have a younger sister and an older sister. My younger sister used to have an account on theO but she has abandoned us XD
I live in Ohio.
I'm a Christian.
I've had problems with depression so occasionally things can get a little dark here. But I'm doing much better now.
I go to an AMAZING church. I can't get there very often, but I go whenever I can.
I do not have a boyfriend as of yet. But I'm in the market ;p
I am very random. VERY. Crazy and I love it. So be prepared ^^
I like to write fanfics and random stories. I have a fanfic on my other world and it will be finished eventually, I swear!! Just... Don't hold your breath, ne?
I love music.
I've been home schooled since the tenth grade and recently graduated high school.
I have a kitty named Artemis. He's my baby and he's what helped me through my depression the most.
I babysit and I like to talk about the baby and post pictures because while I may not have the "math gene" I definitely got a double dose of the "mothering gene."
My email is if you want to email me. Please do, because I never get email. BUT ABSOLUTELY NO CHAIN MAIL!!!
- Created By Kakashisgf
The White Seahorse
I <3 Reading is giving away a book that I desperately, desperately want: The White Seahorse. Grace O'Malley is my favorite pirate (I'm partly Irish, and who doesn't love pirates?). I find her completely fascinating. As an added bonus, this book is now out of print, so it's a collector's item. Some of the details in the book may be, shall we say, "embellished" a bit. But most of it seems to be true.
This prize an be found here: The White Seahorse
Pirate Ghosts
vvb32 reads is giving away a wonderful book. Pirate Ghosts: Stories of Hauntings at Sea looks to be amazing.
The book includes ten short stories by various authors. The book is now out of print, so the prize copy is a rare book and may be a collectible.
This prize can be found here: vvb32 reads.
Anne Bonny
Booklover-Book Chicks is giving away something that I am very excited about.
An Anne Bonny action figure. I can not even describe how much I want this. Anne Bonny is one of my favorite pirates ever.
This action figure is 2.25 x 3.75 inches, so a nice little size. And just look at it. It's pure amazingness. I have a special shelf just for my pirate stuff, so if I manage to win this, I know exactly where it's going :3
Booklover-Book Chicks can be found here: Booklover-Book Chicks
A Pirate Prize
I mentioned in a previous post that, as a part of the Rum + Plunder Random Magic tour, Dr. Stravagante's Traveling Book Circus is giving away a fantastic prize.
This book is written by The Pirate Guys, of International Talk Like a Pirate Day. I want to win this so bad, I can not even tell you.
The blog states: "Whether readers are old hands at pirating or hopeless landlubbers, the Pirate Guys will have ‘em savvy in no time with sure-fire pirate lines for any occasion, tips on how to make turn a party into a buccaneer
ball, and help determining a true pirate moniker."
It sounds like a great book, and you know it will be hilarious since it's written by these guys. Ol' Chumbucket and Cap'n Slappy just have a way with words that no one else can duplicate. This book is 240 pages of amazing.
Dr. Stravagante's Traveling Book Circus can be found here:
In my last post I mentioned a pirate prize from the blog Fluidity of Time (
It's a very cool blog offering a very cool prize: The Nautical Chart by Arturo Pérez-Reverte.
It even looks awesome.
The main idea of the book is a woman, Tánger Soto, buys a 17-century atlas that may give the site of the final resting place of the Dei Gloria. Of course there's treasure and bad people and love :) It sounds like a fantastic book, and I'd love to win it. If not, I may have to talk to my library about buying it.
In addition to that lovely prize, there is a section on pirate superstitions, which I have to say was pretty interesting. I love learning about superstitions. For example, whistling was forbidden on ships because it was thought it might raise a storm. Ever heard the phrase "whistling up a storm"? Well now you know where it came from. Check out this blog, an interesting read!