My name is Samantha and I usually go by Sami. I'm a total dork, crazy and random. Yeah, I'm pretty awesome ^_~
Some facts about me:
My birthday is December 21, 1991.
My parents are divorced, and I just refer to my dad as Donnie. And sometimes my mom as Sherry, depends on if we're fighting or not.
I have a younger sister and an older sister. My younger sister used to have an account on theO but she has abandoned us XD
I live in Ohio.
I'm a Christian.
I've had problems with depression so occasionally things can get a little dark here. But I'm doing much better now.
I go to an AMAZING church. I can't get there very often, but I go whenever I can.
I do not have a boyfriend as of yet. But I'm in the market ;p
I am very random. VERY. Crazy and I love it. So be prepared ^^
I like to write fanfics and random stories. I have a fanfic on my other world and it will be finished eventually, I swear!! Just... Don't hold your breath, ne?
I love music.
I've been home schooled since the tenth grade and recently graduated high school.
I have a kitty named Artemis. He's my baby and he's what helped me through my depression the most.
I babysit and I like to talk about the baby and post pictures because while I may not have the "math gene" I definitely got a double dose of the "mothering gene."
My email is [email protected] if you want to email me. Please do, because I never get email. BUT ABSOLUTELY NO CHAIN MAIL!!!


I'm posting this because I just woke up from a nap and had an awesome dream and if I don't write it down RIGHT NOW I'll forget it.
I was a man, which is odd, and I lived in a government controlled society. I think I was a visitor, but I'm really not sure. Everything in the society was very strict. Everyone wore similar clothing, like it was regulation. Change and individuality wasn't really tolerated. Well me and a group of my friends started wearing odd shirts, to be funny. We got in huge trouble. Eventually it sort of became a sign of rebellion, and anyone wearing a changed uniform, or if they had a shirt like the ones we wore in their possession, they were arrested. My friends and I were sick of the government controlling us, and where we were living was crap (Fallout 3 comes to mind, though not THAT bad), so we decided to really start a rebellion and try to overthrow the government. One friend and I had rented a weird apartment, it was tiny and one room, and we made a sign on the door that said something about military so the government police/soldiers wouldn't be suspicious. They ended up breaking in our door and carrying my friend off to jail. They thought I was a soldier, because I had a uniform as a disguise in the apartment. I had apparently been hurt earlier, so they thought I had a head injury that had affected my memory, so I couldn't remember military things. For instance, I tried to drive a tank, and nearly ran into people. It was a weird tank, you operated it with your mind and it sort of floated instead of having wheels. So this whole time I was pretending to be in the military, a general I think. The people were afraid of me because the soldiers are very cruel, but I was nice to them and earned their trust. I gave a woman water when she couldn't find any and she kind of spread the word that I was nice. After I gave her water, an older man came up to me, also a soldier, and told me how different I was. I had no idea what he was talking about. As it turns out, my father, who I had never met, was a soldier and was awful to the people.
And that's about where I woke up.


So I wasn't sure if I was really going to post today or not, but I'm antsy and hyper and bouncy. So expect randomness. I'm tired too, which sometimes makes me hyper, which is weird. I'll get tired but then can't stop talking.
I just realized I'm hot because I closed the air conditioning vent yesterday because I was cold XP Gah I can't spell! *goes back and corrects everything*
So, I've been really into the Hunchback of Notre Dame lately. I hadn't seen the Disney movie in ages so I watched it the other day, and now I'm hooked. I tried to download the book from the e-library but it was in a format I can't use (I have Adobe e-reader, can't remember what the book was) and it was in an audio book that e-reader also doesn't support. But weirdly, that downloaded anyway, just not to the e-reader. When I tried to open the file I got some message about not being able to open it because Windows doesn't something something blah blah blah I didn't understand. I figure it'll work out fine since the titles get automatically returned in 14 days. I had just downloaded Stephen King's Carrie and finished it almost in one sitting. When I start reading Stephen King I can't stop. I was watching a Stephen King movie on SyFy the other day and Dean Stockwell was in it! Ah I love him. My mom and I used to watch Quantum Leap and I thought Al (Dean Stockwell's character) was way more awesome than the main character Sam. I've also seen him in an H.P. Lovecraft movie I don't know the title of cuz I missed most of it. Dean Stockwell and H.P. Lovecraft?? Doesn't get much better than that.
Now I'm annoyed because I can't remember Al from Quantum Leap's full name. I think it was General Al Calavicci. *Googles it* Admiral. Admiral Al Calavicci. I wasn't close at all was I?
I'm bored. And I think I need a nap. My kitty is laying in our nap spot XD I like to lay on my side but he nudges and pushes and stands on my ribs until I roll onto my back so he can lay on my tummy and snuggle by my face. He's a brat, but he's a cute brat.
Oh I forgot to mention, when I was talking about the Hunchback of Notre Dame. It also got me really really interested in Gypsies. I want to be a Gypsy for Halloween so I've been doing a little research. But I can NOT find a free pattern ANYWHERE for the kind of bodice I need. At least not one that looks decent. Every kind of bodice from any other time period, sure no problem, free patterns everywhere. Darn interwebz. But I did find a pattern for a nice flow-y skirt, and I have a scarf to tie around my hips. I figure if I decided what my costume will be this early then I at least have time to get it together. I had a shirt that would have worked perfectly but I outgrew it a couple years ago. Darn. Guess I'm going to Goodwill. Come to think of it, I have a skirt that would work for this costume but I couldn't use the hip scarf with it. I know I shouldn't be afraid to clash, but orange and pale pink is a little farther than I'm willing to go. I've also noticed that when I'm trying to find pictures of Gypsies, I get a lot of pictures of belly dancers. Not the same thing!! I guess we're all ignorant gaje (non-Roma). I don't know how to pronounce that word but I bet it sounds cool XP I might try to learn a little bit of the language, impress people at church during the Halloween event lol. At my church, we have trunk-or-treat. A bunch of the church members park their cars and hand out candy to the kids who come. We don't park every year but we go every year. There's popcorn and hot chocolate and hot dogs and apple cider and music. It's way cool. If I get ambitious I may even wear this costume to the Renaissance Festival. I found the website of a group of people who go as a kumpania (Gypsy tribe) every year. I probably wouldn't be very authentic, but then, most people aren't, and I'm thoroughly convinced that most people who go to faires do so so they can dress like sluts. You should have seen a girl's "kilt" from last year.
Okay, so I just Googled "Gypsies at Ohio Renaissance Festival" and all the was coming back was "Lady Kashmir, Gypsy Queen" so I looked at the video, and she's a belly dancer. Gosh, we are all ignorant gaje.

Today's Random Thought: Honk if you love Jesus. Text while driving if you want to meet him.

I'm seriously about to go off on somebody

I am sick and tired of so many parents choosing drugs over their kids. You made the choice to have sex. It's not the baby's fault you apparently don't know how to use birth control. Grow the hell up and be responsible for the life you created.
My friend's mom just tried to kill herself for at least the second time. Last time she slit her wrists. I don't know what she did this time, I don't know if she even made it, I haven't heard from Loralei. My guess is she OD-ed. She and Loralei had moved out her Loralei's grandparents house (good, because they hate her for being born. Like it's her fault her mom had an affair with a married man and didn't use birth control)and then her mom started doing drugs. So now Loralei is back with her grandparents, being screamed at every day. I've met her mom. She's a nice lady. But she needs to grow up. If she hates her life so much she should try getting clean, getting her shit together and living for her daughter for once. Loralei needs her. Drugs should never be more important than your kid. Suicide is selfish. Life is hard for everyone, put on your big girl panties and go talk to your kid. Make sure she doesn't make the same mistakes you did and end up where you are now.
And then there's Stacey. Stacey is the biological mother of the baby that I babysit. Stacey is stoned 24/7. Baby Alicia was born with crack in her system. Stacey has four kids, did drugs with each of them, and has custody of none of them. Yet she thinks she's a wonderful mother. Yeah, she's in rehab now, but her boyfriend sneaks in crack for her. She has a warrant out for her arrest for not paying child support. The court ordered she start paying four years ago. She hasn't paid once. If I knew what rehab center she was at I'd call the police myself. Something needs to be done to keep that woman from ruining more lives. Four kids, nine month pregnancies, that's 36 months. You couldn't stay off drugs for just three years, nine months or less at a time. Say all your kids live to be 70, and that's a low number. Four kids, 70 years old, that's 280 years. Congratulations, Stacey, you just ruined 280 years of life. How many of your kids are going to grow up to be drug addicts thanks to your example?
I am sick of this shit. Grow up, parents! Having a kid doesn't make you a mom or a dad, it makes you a sperm donor or a place for a baby to grow. Being in your kids' lives makes you a mom or a dad. You should try it sometime.

Goodbye Highschool

I'm officially a high school graduate. Somebody better warn the world.
(The quality is crap, I know. I had to do a lot of adjusting because the file size was huge. Deal with it.)

I got tagged

What do you have:
[x] Mother
[x] Father
[ ] Step-Father
[ ] Step-Mother
[ ] Step Sister
[ ] Step Brother
[ ] Brother
[ ] Brother In Law
[x] Sister
[ ] Sister In Law
[x] Half Sister
[ ] Half Brother
[ ] Nephew
[x] Niece
[ ] Boyfriend/Girlfriend
[x] Mobile Phone
[ ] Own Bathroom
[x] Own Room (eventually. It still needs some drywall XD)
[ ] Have/had a swimming pool
[ ] Have/had a hot tub
[ ] Guest room
[x] Living room
[x] Own computer
[ ] Own TV
[ ] Flat TV
[ ] There is some big carpet at your house
Total: 9

[ ] Full size/queen bed
[ ] More than 8 pairs of shoes
[ ] MP3 Player/ipod
[ ] PS2/3
[ ] Nintendo DS or PSP
[x] Gameboy/Advance
[ ] Gamecube
[ ] Xbox/Xbox 360
[x] Wii
[x] Your own laptop
[ ] Basketball net/hoop
[ ] Air hockey table
[ ] Pool table
[ ] Ping pong table
[ ] football table
[ ] sport gear
Total so far: 12

[ ] Night Stand
[ ] Stereo in bedroom
[ ] surround system
[ ] DVD player in bedroom/portable
Total so far: 12

[ ] Go shopping at least once a week
[ ] Expensive cologne/perfume
[x] Camera on phone
Total so far: 13

[ ] Go cart/car/quad
[x] Guitar/drums/bass
[x] Piano/keyboard
[ ] Any other instrument(Saxophone DUH:P)
[ ] Been on a cruise (Sort of...)
[ ] Traveled out of the country
[x] Had a personal trainer
[x] Expensive Jewelry
[x] Met a celeb
Total so far: 18

[x] Straightener/curling iron
[ ] Have been to the batting cage
[ ] Have $100 on you right now in your pocket/wallet
[ ] Credit card or ATM card or debit card or bank card
[ ] Have a TV in your room
[x] Mirror in your room
[x] Window in your room
[ ] Been to Paris
[ ] Been to Rome
[ ] Been to Australia
[ ] Been to Switzerland
[ ] Been to Dubai
[ ] Been to Germany
[ ] Been to a place in 7 wonders
Total so far: 21

[x] Parents have a car
[ ] Have owned or own a jet ski/boat
[x] Had/Have camped
[x] Been to 3+ states/countries/provinces
[ ] 80+ buddies on facebook/myspace
Total so far: 24

[x] Have a home cooked meal almost everyday
[ ] Been in a limo
[ ] Been in a helicopter
[x] Own a camera
[ ] Have been to Disneyland/World more than 2 times

Total: 26

Post as:
1-25 = Ghetto! (tag 5 people)
26-40 = Average teen! (tag 10 people)
41-50 = Spoiled teen! (tag 15 people)
51+ = Upper class snob! (tag 20 people)

So I'm average. Barely XD The two people who read my blog have already done this so if anyone else happens to be reading, consider yourself tagged.