still online

internet still working! a miracle in and of itself.
b-chan and i stayed up till 6am and slept till 1pm XD we were going to see public enemies (the blood+ movie isn't showing ANYWHERE near here!!!) but we slept through it. does anyone else think johnny depp looks a little too much like john dillinger?
my sister is sick. not sure what she has, probably a virus. i want to do something to make her feel better but i can't really think of anything. suggestions are welcome.
i'm going to a mini con the 18th, at my library. i will take much pictures and post them here. i have a costume, just a generic schoolgirl. i was considering yura from honey hunt, but i'm not sure how popular that is and if anyone would know who i was. i want to enter the cosplay contest so i figured it would be better to do something generic everyone would recognize than something that no one would get. i'll try to go heavy on details for my schoolgirl outfit and maybe get noticed a little more.
pretty short post today, but i'm sleepy so forgive me XD

Today's Random Thought: None of us are virgins. Life has screwed us all.
