kitties and contests

I have entered my first contest lol. Strange Nights, hosted by jamo. Here's my entry:
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Well I ended up not going to the mini con. The day before I went down to Kentucky for Breyer Fest (so much fun!) and even though the heat wasn't bad, it made me sick. I don't handle heat well. So I couldn't go :'( At some point though I'm going to don my costume and have someone take pics lol.
Kitty is being a goober. He's rolling around on the floor. If I keep ignoring him he'll resort to biting my feet. I haven't posted a picture of him since he was small enough to take naps in my hat. He's thirteen pounds now XD I think you guys deserve an update.

He did not appreciate the flash. I giggle every time I look at this picture. He has decided I'm not paying enough atention to him and is now standing in front of the computer screen, inserting his head in my face for kisses.
I'll try to post some pictures from Breyer Fest at some point. I went with my mom one day and my sister went with her another day. I bought a GORGEOUS model of the first Gypsy Vanner born in America, Kuchi. And I got to meet and pet the real horse :DD I were thrilled. The horse from the Hannah Montana movie was there too, Blue Steel Man (Blue Jeans in the movie). He was so soft!
Not a very long post but I should go. B-chan is wanting to work on our book and so am I lol. Buh-bye!

Today's Random Thought: Trying to kill your brother is not awkward at all. (Supernatural joke. Best show ever)
