Lost Nanny

We temporarily lost Nanny (my grandma). She was outside watering her flowers and we had no clue where she was XD
My kitty has made a stinky. Just thought I'd announce that to the world. His litter box is right next to the computer so I'm getting a good whiff -_- A while ago he decided he didn't like where his litter box was and it should be moved. I think it wasn't private enough for him. So to let us know how he felt, he started pooing where he wanted his box to be. Never once peed outside his box though. And once I moved it, he stopped. There hasn't been an incident since.
Speaking of kitty, he threw up the other day. Not a hairball, just kitty barfs. I gave him a treat of Meow Mix wet food, he got excited cuz it was a new flavor, ate too fast, and back up it came. And then went and ate more.
I'm done being gross now. Today my mom, sister, and I are planning to go down to Florence, Kentucky, for a little shopping and Friendly's. Friendly's is a great restaurant. They have good foods and HUGE ice cream sundaes for dessert. Now, I am not a big ice cream eater, but I drive all the way to Kentucky for Friendly's ice cream. That tells you something lol.
B-chan and I had lots of fun at the fair. I took pictures on my sister's new camera since my memory card was almost full. I think I took 200-something. There are lots of pics of a horse named Fred. He was so cute! He was an appaloosa but you couldn't really tell except for his adorable spotty nose. I would have taken him home if I could. He was very sweet and wanted to be loved on. Fred was our favorite part of the whole fair XD I'll have to put up a picture of him at some point.
I think that's it for now. Later, everyone!

Today's Random Thought: I'm not paranoid. I just want to know who's following me.
