So, So Close

i almost told the guy i like that i like him. almost. and i don't know if i wish i had or not >_< i had email this morning and thought it was from him, but it was from janet again, the lady i was talking about yesterday. so yay still lol. i had told her i might tell him and she was giving me advice lol. goodness knows i need it.
i seem to have lost the paper with all my little scenes for my fanfic... it might be in the living room, which looks like a war zone right now. so i'll do a little digging and see if I can find it.
today is b-chan's birthday!! she's 17. i wanted to go to her school for lunch but my mom worked last night T_T so i'm going tomorrow and then her party is friday.
my voice has been really weird lately. i listen to music all the time on my laptop (it lets me play my music now ^^) and i usually sing along. and songs that i'm usually really good at, i've been having trouble with. and for a while i really couldn't sing anything. but now it's back to normal. so i don't know what happened, but okay then haha.

i loved this picture until b-chan told me that's the same picture of light as when mr yagami died if you haven't watched last saturday's episode, don't highlight that.

Today's Random Thought: They always say a murderer is a loner. Of course he's a loner! He's been killing people!!!
