Back From The Dead

Just a quick post, I'm supposed to be finishing up schoolwork >.>
I'm not sick anymore! *glomps computer* For the past several days I felt like I was going to die. Sore throat, headache, naseous, sneezing. It was awful. But I'm all better now.
Went to the dentist today, which is usually a trip straight to hell. I don't have enamel on my molars thanks to a fever when I was a kid, so I usually have cavities no matter how well I brush. But no cavities this time!! That's a whole year since I've had one filled! And I got an appointment with the nice hygenist instead of witchy Cheryl. So a pretty okay trip except that my teeth hurt.
Must finish school.... I promise a longer post next time.

Today's Random Thought: I called your boyfriend gay and he hit me with his purse.
