Two hours of computer classes makes one reluctant to go online o.e
The random thought from last time is one of my faves XD I've probably posted it before but it's good for a laugh.
Let's see, what do I have to post about? Oh, my mom and I went to the college campus where I'm hoping to go. I picked up an application. Small school, I'm pretty much guaranteed to get in unless I'm really really stupid or something. I'm going to major in English - Creative Writing.
I started my second semester of school a couple days ago. No more speech class! Yay!! Now I have computer applications, in addition to keyboarding. It's fun, I like it, but it takes me over an hour. Thus the burning eyes.
I'm trying to finish up the library books I've got out so I can work on the list I found of 101 books you should read by college. I'm already read The Diary of Anne Frank, The Scarlett Letter, Macbeth, and Romeo and Juliet. Just got to finish reading all the books I have out about Jack the Ripper first XD
I think that's all I have to post about. Man I'm boring today XD
Oh man my internet just froze up. I thought I was going to lose my post x.x
Today's Random Thought: Do you remember when Pluto was a planet? Yeah, those were the days.