Titles are for losers. Oh wait

well, i've decided to tell the guy that i like how i feel. haven't yet, but i'm going to, probably today. i am absolutely terrified.
went to my old school yesterday to visit my friends and when greg saw me he went "oh no she's come back to kill us all!" and why did he say this? because i'm emo. and apparently emo kids kill people. so thanks for that greg >.< i had fun though, jeremy was actually there this time and he was happy to see me. i was glad that it wasn't awkward to talk to him, because last time i did i liked him and found out he liked one of my friends. but that was forever ago. after that i went up to kindergarten. i love those kids, i aided there in the mornings before i left the school. they had graduated!! so only a few were still there, and i could hear them whispering when i went in. "is that miss samantha?" "it looks like her" lol. i always called them my kids, so my kids graduated! it made me sad. it made me sad to leave, period. i miss all my friends. but when i think about it, if i was still there, i would have dropped out by now anyway. so i guess this is a good thing.

love that haha.

Today's Random Thought: We're the type of friends who get hit by parked cars.
