
okay, so i'm kind of better. sort of. i'll probably be okay enough to go to church tomorrow (today is saturday right? o.o i got my days mixed up) which is good because i missed last sundayand wednesday! i miss everyone. and loralei got me a present :D but she won't tell me what it is D:
now for the story about the guy i like. i told him that i liked him but i didn't want to make things awkward, and he said that he likes me as a friend but not more than that. so we're still friends. and it is awkward, of course. but i think our friendship will be ok. and surprisingly, i'm ok too. i did round up everything that reminds me of him and got rid of it, but i'm ok >_<
all my friends from my old school got out for summer break yesterday. and i may be going into july. i actually have to make up today for when i was sick. and i don't just have to make up the work, i have to watch the classes. but i did Bible already, so i don't hvae to worry about that. and i can probably put off my english test for a day or two. so that leaves me with only three classes. that's not so bad then.
we still have no idea why i was sick. my doctor said it was a sinus infection, i said it felt like mono, my grandma said strep throat, and my mom said "a touch of bronchitis." so we have no clue. and the worst part is, i got better the day after i went to the hospital to get an x-ray and my blood drawn. and i looked at the wrong time and saw the needle in my arm and kinda freaked out. so that wasn't fun.
well, i'm off to do school. on saturday. TT_TT

Today's Random Thought: By the time you finish reading this you will realize you have wasted five seconds of your life.
