I'm seriously about to go off on somebody

I am sick and tired of so many parents choosing drugs over their kids. You made the choice to have sex. It's not the baby's fault you apparently don't know how to use birth control. Grow the hell up and be responsible for the life you created.
My friend's mom just tried to kill herself for at least the second time. Last time she slit her wrists. I don't know what she did this time, I don't know if she even made it, I haven't heard from Loralei. My guess is she OD-ed. She and Loralei had moved out her Loralei's grandparents house (good, because they hate her for being born. Like it's her fault her mom had an affair with a married man and didn't use birth control)and then her mom started doing drugs. So now Loralei is back with her grandparents, being screamed at every day. I've met her mom. She's a nice lady. But she needs to grow up. If she hates her life so much she should try getting clean, getting her shit together and living for her daughter for once. Loralei needs her. Drugs should never be more important than your kid. Suicide is selfish. Life is hard for everyone, put on your big girl panties and go talk to your kid. Make sure she doesn't make the same mistakes you did and end up where you are now.
And then there's Stacey. Stacey is the biological mother of the baby that I babysit. Stacey is stoned 24/7. Baby Alicia was born with crack in her system. Stacey has four kids, did drugs with each of them, and has custody of none of them. Yet she thinks she's a wonderful mother. Yeah, she's in rehab now, but her boyfriend sneaks in crack for her. She has a warrant out for her arrest for not paying child support. The court ordered she start paying four years ago. She hasn't paid once. If I knew what rehab center she was at I'd call the police myself. Something needs to be done to keep that woman from ruining more lives. Four kids, nine month pregnancies, that's 36 months. You couldn't stay off drugs for just three years, nine months or less at a time. Say all your kids live to be 70, and that's a low number. Four kids, 70 years old, that's 280 years. Congratulations, Stacey, you just ruined 280 years of life. How many of your kids are going to grow up to be drug addicts thanks to your example?
I am sick of this shit. Grow up, parents! Having a kid doesn't make you a mom or a dad, it makes you a sperm donor or a place for a baby to grow. Being in your kids' lives makes you a mom or a dad. You should try it sometime.
