how long have i been gone?

what's it been, four days since i posted? feels like forever. i meant to post yesterday but it wasn't such a good day for me, father's day and all. my mom wanted me to go to church but i knew everything would be centered around father's day and i really don't think i could have taken it. i begged her not to make me go and she said i had to and then i cried >_< i didn't mean to but it worked, so whatever.
and i don't think today's going to be very good either because it happens to be exactly one month from when i told the guy i like how i felt and he said he just wanted to be friends.
so yeah, i'm just not in a real good mood. but i checked my email and had one from my friend janet so that cheered me right up ^_^ she won't call me by my real name, which i think is funny. she calls me by my "internet name" asuka. janet is the kind of person who could sit and tell stories for hours and you'd never get bored, because she has been EVERYWHERE. she lived in pakistan!
i had a very weird dream the other night. i was pregnant. it's been a while since i've had a dream like that lol. i woke up and was like "...what?!" except that after that the dream changed and my mom was getting married to some guy that i didn't like. so that part sucked.
my mom still wants to date. and i've noticed that she always goes for guys with kids. donnie already had my older half sister, my neighbor's son has a kids, and the guy at church she likes has a son that i'm friends with, which is not awkward at all *heavy sarcasm*
crap, i only have four minutes until i have to start school because i got woken up late, AGAIN, so i better wrap this up.

Today's Random Thought: One does not simply walk into WalMart. There is evil there that does not sleep.
