i refuse to think of a title

again, i didn't sleep last night. i'm never going to sleep again T_T my grandma woke me up this morning and when she left the room i rolled over and went back to sleep just because i could XD i'm tired but can't sleep, and i'm getting headaches and sometimes stomachaches, and i just plain don't feel good. i think all the stress right now is making my body freak out on me.
i tried to put up a picture yesterday but it wouldn't let me again. *crosses arms* i'll probably try again later today.
i think i had a weird dream last night, but i can't remember it. i hate that, i almost never remember my dreams.
i've been on a songfic kick lately lol. i wrote one yesterday and one the day before. but i probably won't post them, they're not that good =/
my mom goes to meet with my therapist today, and my appointment is a week from yesterday. i wish it were sooner.
that's pretty much all i have to say for now, pretty short post =/

Today's Random Thought: I think, therefore I am confused.
