warning: sappiness ahead

let the sappiness begin: i just wanted to thank everybody for all the nice comments and well wishes from my last few posts when i've been so upset. it honestly makes my day ^_^ so thank you.
end of sappiness.
i wasn't going to post today but i randomly decided to, so i don't have much to say lol. i have no tests today, whoo! finals are coming up, i'm terrified.
my legs hurt, which is weird. everything's still kind of out of whack cuz i'm not sleeping though. but i did sleep pretty good last night though. went to sleep around 1:30 or 2 and didn't wake up till this morning. so that's an improvement i guess.
my mom met with my therapist yesterday and told her basically our family history lol. she told her about how i was in counseling and the therapist wanted to know how often and when my mom told her once a month, she sgreed with me that my old counseler (i know that's not spelled right >_

crap. part of my post is gone, thanks for telling me. it was basically, she agreed with me that the other lady was crazy. and then the random thought, which is:
Today's Random Thought: Yes you have the right to your opinion, and I have the right to think you're stupid.
