it just hit me that it's friday. SO GLAD!!!
i only have 7 days of school left. which means i have finals soon... meep o.o
there's a hannah montana marathon on disney channel -_- not that i don't like her, i do, she's a great singer (anyone that bashes her may get punched. you have been warned) but four and a half hours? that's enough to melt anyone's brain.
i put a new picture up today. comments are much appreciated ^_^ i have this one picture that just will not upload. i don't kow why. i'll probably try to put it up again tomorrow so we'll see.
i see my therapist in four days, yay. i can't wait to meet her, my mom said she was awesome.
speaking of my mom, the summer craziness continues. she keeps getting in my closet and rearranging my clothes. i like my clothes the way they are thank you very much. she hasn't touched my drawings though, thank goodness. but i get the feeling it's only a matter of time. i'm very particular about my drawings. i want them in a certain order in a certain spot and God help whoever messes them up because they might not live to see the morning. my sister once got water all over one of my pictures and i flipped out. it dried and was fine, but i think she was afraid for her life, as well she should have been.
people at church are still trying to get me to go to camp. i don't know how many more ways i can say no before they just shut up. i told my youth pastor to stop asking, so he did, but everyone else is still bugging me about it and leaving stuff in my truth box on myspace. they keep saying stuff like "get over your social phobia." uh, i can't, it's not something you just get over. you get over breathing and then we'll talk. my mom told my youth pastor that i'm not going though so maybe he'll get them to stop or something. cuz at this point it's just pissing me off, which isn't good for anyone.
me and b-chan were talking about my childhood the other night and trying to decide if donnie should be in jail or not XD sadly the answer was no. even though me and my sister were neglected when we stayed with him, it wasn't bad enough to warrant an arrest unfortunately. quite a conversation for 3 n the morning.
is this post as long as i think it is? making up for the past few days i guess lol.

Today's Random Thought: I play air guitar for an air band.
