Sleepy... So sleepy

i'm exhausted -_- i couldn't get to sleep last night, and then with the time change... I hope I don't fall asleep during school. I do not want to have to rewind and fastforward through those stupid DVDs to find my place.
Yesterday I watched the new episode of Blood+ , which I loved, and when Nathan started talking about Saya and Diva's mother, it got me thinking. Which daughter was she most like, how did she die, things like that. So I wrote a one shot. at midnight XD so it might not be as good as i tihnk it is, seeing as how i'm kinda sleep-deprived at the moment, but i'll try to put it up tomorrow, probably. I've also got the first part of my death note fanfic to put up, which i'll try to do later today.
my mom worked last night, and she just got home. she stopped at burger king and brought hash browns for breakfast! :D i was a happy girl. but now my stomach hurts T_T
i have no tests or quizzes today. none at all. YES!!!!! that never happens!! of course, i do have a math quiz and a history quiz to make up, but still. well, i ithnk that's really all i have to say for right now. I'll try to put up my death note fanfic when I eat lunch, but no promises.

Today's Random Thought: A good friend will comfort you when he rejects you. A best friend will go up to him and say "It's because you're gay, isn't it?"
