stupid dreams

waking up at 6am is not fun. it's even less fun when you didn't go to sleep until two and then had a weird dream. you know when you're half asleep and you know your dreaming? that's kind of what i was doing and the dream was about the guy i like. get out of my head already!!! geez.
b-chan said i could tell one of her funny little scene things. she texted this one to me, mello and matt are in line at a movie theater.
mello: two tickets for batman
guy selling tickets: O.O my gosh you're a man
matt: don't let her fool you, she's on hormones
mello: *hits matt hard*
matt: and she's sensative about it
XDD i love b-chan and her crazy mind. making fun of matt and mello is just too much fun ^^
i have no tests and quizzes today, so happy! i'm good until my exams. which are tuesday. o.o *whiny noise*
I was checking my views yesterday, and i had six hundred and sixty-six. i refuse to put that in numerals O.o i was like "Oh holy freaking crap!!" and went on my site really fast to make it go up. i haven't been that freaked out in a while XD
i don't know what else to saaay.... uum... yeah, i think that's it. what a short post lol.
picture since the post was so short:

how adorable is he! i've been obssessing over matt lately cuz i'm working on a fanfic with him in it. and so is b-chan. double the obssession!

Today's Random Thought: I never got a hole-in-one, but I did hit a guy. That's way more satisfying.
