tagged again

i've been tagged like four more times, so here we go again:
1. i LOVE rice.
2. i think that pocky, anime, manga, and HYDE are the best things that ever came from japan ^^
3. b-chan is my favorite person in the world to text because we're always quoting stuff from our fanfics. example: "You've got a baby in your belly!" from one of hers and "Mello! Stop making my wife cry!" from one of mine XDD
4. i think making rice balls is more fun than eating them.
5. i turn on comedy central while i'm taking my exams so if i get stressed i can stop and laugh. (that's the good thing about homeschool ^^)
6. i call my sister brittany-chan to piss her off (she doesn't like being called chan. go figure)
7. i have 21 unfinished stories. i think. it's been a while since i've counted.
8. i have a lot of trouble talking to people in person or on the phone, but no trouble at all talking to people online or through texting. darn social phobia.
i'm not going to tag anyone else, unless you want to be. in that case, consider yourself tagged.
in other news, my neighbors kids are here D: I hate it when they come over. their son is my mom's age and she likes him. and he has a kid. i don't want my mom dating period, much less dating a guy with a kid. and yes i know how hypocritcal that sounds, considering my mom has me and my sister. but still. so now i'm stressed about exams and the stupid neighbors.

Today's Random Thought: If you're gonna be two faced, sweetie, at least make one of them pretty.
