At My Death

I wrote this a couple days ago after watching Blood+ It's from Saya and Diva's mother's point of view, as she's dieing. I apologize for any misspellings, please enjoy ^^
Disclaimer: I do not own Blood+ Darn.
Dieing is nothing like I imagined. The pain is more than I could have ever thought. Or maybe it only hurts this much because of who is killing me.
I managed to kill my sister; the only one I thought could ever kill me. My only regret is that I didn’t kill her before she murdered my chevalier. My faithful chevalier, who swore he would die for me. Unfortunately, he made good on his oath. After that, I really had no choice but to kill my sister. She wanted me dead so she could be the only Queen. I wanted her dead because she took away my best friend.
As if that wasn’t enough…
I wanted to live in peace with humans. My sister insisted that humans existed only as our food source and to create chevaliers so we could carry on our species. She thought I was crazy for believing otherwise. I always thought we could find another way to feed, without killing humans. She used my ideal to taunt me, always taking a “souvenir” from the humans she fed on. A ring, a piece of clothing, anything she could torment me with.
And now, another pain, though thankfully one I will not have to live with for long. That the one to kill me should be my sister’s chevalier… And the father of my children. Though I suppose I can’t blame him. He was loyal to my sister to the end, just as a good chevalier should be. I only wish that I could have seen my daughters before I die. I’m not going to last much longer, I can feel it. I feel like I’m going into a hibernation, but much deeper. And it never hurt like this. Ah, Nathan. Nathan is coming. What’s this? Blood… And my sister’s chevalier has fallen. I don’t understand… But I cannot dwell on it. I am slipping. My poor daughters… But Nathan is here. Nathan will take care of them. Nathan will make it right.
