insert title here

ok, so yesterday me and sherry got in a fight about my grades. which are fine. i'm passing everything, mostly C's and B's. i would think she'd be happy i'm even IN school, since i went nto the 10 grade this year planning on dropping out. which i said in small group last night and shocked everyone, it was kinda funny actually. I just don't get what her problem is, she always expects me to be perfect. i have better grades than she did in high school, i haven't dropped out, she should be happy.
changing the subject a bit, me and my best friend had kind of a funny conversation last night. a lot of guys have been hitting on her, and she keeps turning them down. she said it's so annoying, and i told her i wish i had that problem. as far as i know, no guy has liked me since that creepy kid who asked me to marry him in the 3 grade. which was like seven years ago. this might sound kind of pathetic and whiny, but i don't get why guys don't like me as more than a friend. i'm a nice person, i'm funny (according to b-chan), i'm usually nice to everyone unless they're that girl from my old school who felt the need to say very loudly in the lunchroom that i wasn't a virgin, which i am thank you very much. and i like this guy who i'm fairly certain doesn't like me back, so it's just frustrating.
does this remind anyone else of orochimaru:
and this one makes me think of uryu:
i don't like the faces. they kind of creep me out XD i do like the ninja though
i think i've done enough complaining for one day.

Today's Random Thought: I stole it, so it's mine! (Misao from Rurouni Kenshin said this. I love it ^_^)
