Stupid Titles, Does Anyone Even Read These?

omg that scared the freaking crap out of me!! i came downstairs to feed my bunny, and usually he tries to launch himself at me to get to the food. this morning he didn't. so i tapped on his hutch. still nothing. i thought maybe he was hiding in his little box thing, but usually i can see him and this morning i couldn't. so a million things went through my head in 2 seconds, he's dead, he's hurt, someone stole him again (which is ridiculous cuz last time someone tried to steal him he was in his outside hutch and now he's permanently inside) and i lifted the lid of his hutch and he wasn't in there. and then i remembered that my mom took him to the vet this morning and he was getting his teeth clipped. XDD yes, teeth. he won't chew to wear them down so they grow and grow and grow and he can't eat or anything. so once a month or so honey bunny gets to go to the dentist lol.
i don't know if it's version vibrant or my computer or what, but i'm having trouble getting theO to load when i log on. anyone else having that problem?
about my death note fanfic: the new chapter will be up in several weeks >_< i'm waiting for episode 25 to be on adult swim, that way i won't have spoilers for anyone who watches it on tv and not online. so if you've seen episode 25, you can pretty much figure out what's going to happen, which i found out because i found spoilers online by accident TT_TT i didn't want to know!
i tihnk i'm over-do for an allergy shot or something. i don't feel good :(
i get to go on a field trip on... um... sometime next week, i think. or maybe the week after. soon lol. me, my mom, and miley are driving down to kentucky to see the Creation Museum. my mom's been there before but me and miley didn't get to go. i can't wait i've wanted to go since it opened!!
this post feels long. but my posts are never as long as I tihnk they are, so maybe it's just me lol.
does anyone have advice for how to deal with people who keep calling you even though you told them the first SIX TIMES that they have the WRONG NUMBER? these crazy people will not leave me alone. if i don't answer my phone, they just call back later.
i should wrap this up. to the random thought!

Today's Random Thought: Friends ask why you're crying. But a best friend already has a shovel ready to bury the loser that made you cry.
