gosh i haven't posted in forever. a lot's been going on.
i'm on antidepressants now. they're helping a lot. at first they made me nauseous -.- i've never felt so sick in my life. but it's passed and they're helping now.
my grandpa had a seizure. but he's out of the hospital and doing great. my mom drove me up to see him yesterday. i haven't seen him in years, it was great. except that he still has that fat little spawn of satan dog o.o
i'm going to church again. went last week and after i calmed down i had fun ^^
i got a kitty! he's 2 and a half months old, his name is artemis. he's sleeping on a chair right now. lazy thing. i'll post pictures when they get developed. he's already spoiled and i've only had him 4 days XD he wants up on the computer desk with me and is whining for me to pick him up. he can get up here himself, i've seen him do it. lazy. any weird typing is his fault.
now the not so good. my small group leader on wednesday nights isn't going to be my leader anymore. her husband is teaching a new class and she's teaching it with him. plus they're changing up the groups so i don't know who i'm going to be with. i'm terrified.
aretemis is trying to help me type. i'm not appreciating it. well apparently he's starved for attentiopn so i'm going to go. i'll try to post again soon.
Today's Random Thought: WARNING. Children left unattended will be sold to the circus.