i'm much too lazy to think of a title

two posts in two days, woot!
i've started saying woot out loud all the time. it drives my sister crazy. so i will continue doing it :D
i have something to put up on can't spell love without L. it's not really a chapter *dodges thrown objects* it's a one-shot i wrote after finding a deleted scene on youtube. i might put it up today, but probably not. if i don't i will tomorrow tohugh, that's a promise. i saved it to a disk since i wrote it on my laptop and the disk is upstairs of course XD
my computer finally has sound, can't remember if i've said that or not. my mom finally caved and bought a new monitor. so we don't have the same one we bought with windows 95 anymore. it be very cool and i loves it.
once i can remember to bring my folder downstairs, i have some drawings to put up. i've been drawing like a crazy woman lol. and i usually draw around 1am XDD i can't sleep anyway, i figure why not.
the computer desk is driving me crazy. i'm so OCD and stuff isn't lined up, and i keep having to lean over to use the keyboard and it's making my back tired and my brain spastic. yes, i have a spastic brain XD
hooray for halloween tomorrow! i'm handing out candy at my church. since they want everyone to be in costume, i'm going to be L. i've got a nice wig that i had to trim a little bit, but still. i'm going to act L-ish and have my mom take pictures for me to put up lol. and i'll try to take pictures of my little cousins in their costumes too. becca (who will be 2 in december) is a bunny, and issac (who's 8 months old) is going to be a pumpkin. he's the perfect shape for a pumpkin XD
i think that's all i'm going to type for now. see the aforementioned spastic brain.

Today's Random Thought: Evil is a dish best served crazy.
