One in the Morning. Why am I Awake Again?

as you can tell from the title, it is one am. i'm awake because r-chan came over and we were watching movies and she's spending the night. i'm so tired, i don't even know what day it is anymore. wednesday, i guess. i'm running on sunkist, hershey's kisses, and the freaking scariest episode of Dr. Who i have ever seen. it's called blink, for anyone who wants to watch it though i don't know why you would. r-chan made me watch it in the DARK. and then she fell asleep! so i turned the lights on and went online. nyaah.
although i do owe r-chan majorly right now. she made me call my crush *blushing* first time i've ever called him. and he was so nice ^^ so i guess i shouldn't complain about r-chan too much lol.
oh holy crap! i think my grandpa's ghost is in the kitchen, not cool grandpa! not cool at all! i hate being up at this time. it really freaks me out.
i forgot what i was going to say. i'm scared, which is ridiculous. this is my house darn it! i shouldn't be afraid of my own house! i'm never going to sleep i'm probably going to go on quizilla and mess around and then see if i fall asleep. so, yeah.
good night, good morning, or whatever. i'm really too tired to care right now.

Today's Random Thought: L is the only letter in my alphabet.
