tummy ache

it's been longer than i meant it to be, but hey, a few days is better than a few months, ne?
halloween rocked. even though it was cold and i was freezing my butt off, and then i was hungry but the hotdogs were gone. no one new who i was except two of my friends XD apparently there are no death note fans at my church. i will be putting pictures up here and on my myspace when they get developed. speaking of myspace, if anyone wants my URL let me know and i'll give it to you.
my mom gave me an early christmas present lol. it's a death note blanket! :D it's nice and warm. she and my sister were shopping and britt called me to ask if i wanted the blanket and of course i said yes. but she said nothing about it being for christmas so i thought they would give it to me when they got home. not so. so i begged my mom until she gave it to me yesterday ^_^
*sniffs* ...ew. stinky kitty litter box.
geez i don't have much to talk about today. i am trying to get my christmas shopping done early, and i'm getting kind of close to finished. i have b-chan's, becca's, loralei's, and momo's presents. that leaves rachel and judah, who are nearly impossible to shop for. of my family i have my cousins' and their kids done, and my grandma and uncle. so that leaves my mom and sister. i kind of know what i'm going to get them. so i'm in pretty good shape. i love that my birthday is near christmas so i get to give my friends their presents at my birthday party ^^
i tihnk that's really all i have to say. not a very long post. but now i'm going to go post the one shot i wrote for can't spell love without L. *uses mind control to make everyone go read it*

Today's Random Thought: Those who throw objects at the crocodiles will be asked to retrieve them.
