short post cuz i'm sick

@#$%^&*! i'm sick, my computer restarted in the middle of my post, my cat bit me, i had a bad dream, and i'm wearing my mom's clothes cuz my pajamas are getting washed. i want to go back to bed now.
i think my head's going to explode. and i'm about to fall asleep sitting up XD.
i have searched every inch of my laptop and still can not find the short story i was going to enter in my library's writing contest. i have another one but it's not as good. so now i'm going to look through the desktop even though i swear i wrote the stupid thing on my laptop. oh well. i hope it turns up eventually.
very short post, i'm gonna go now before i fall asleep lol.

Today's Random Thought: Don't make me go all crazy white girl on you.
