Pissed Off

yesterday was my last day of spring break. so today my grandma woke me up to do school, and i looked at the clock and it was NOON! i was supposed to start school like 3 hours before she woke me up! so i'm not going to get done today until like 5, and no one even bothered to feed our rabbit! like i'm the only person who can do it. i feed him every day because i'm down here at nine, when he's supposed to eat. but no, we'll let samantha sleep and make honey wait THREE HOURS for his breakfast. that poor bunny almost attacked me trying to get to his food! he always wants to be snuggled before he eats, but today he went straight to his food bowl and didn't move for fifteen minutes. i gave him some extra food because it was almost gone and he was freaking out. i'm not even paying attention to school, i'm too mad. i didn't even stop for lunch. my grandma went to McDonald's and i ate while my english class DVD was playing. i asked my grandma why she didn't wake me up earlier and she said i didn't have to do school today because miley wasn't. miley threw up THREE TIMES yesterday! of COURSE she doesn't have to do school, she's SICK! i'm perfectly fine, except that i'm going to be downstairs all freaking day. and s-chan was supposed to come over today when i finished school. well she's not now. this much anger is not good for me, first donnie and now this. by the way, i think there's been some confusion as to who donnie is... he's my dad. but i won't call him that because he doesn't know how to be a dad and he's several things that i'm not allowed to say. so now you know.
and speaking of donnie, when we were in small groups at church yesterday i was telling everyone about the fight, and how i was done talking to him until he started getting on miley. i went "you do NOT mess with my sister" and one of the girls that i don't know real well but we're still kinda friends went "oh gosh, your face was really scary!" which cracked us all up. I'm so quiet that nobody ever expects me to get pissed off. but now everyone knows to be nice to miley XDD
i'm going to finish school now, i still have half my classes to go.

Today's Random Thought: God made us best friends because he knew our moms couldn't handle us as sisters.
