Happy Thanksgiving!

happy thanksgiving otaku nation! i found time to post in the midst of all the busyness.
My mom always has us name one tihng we're thankful for. Well, I have a lot to be thankful for. But this year especially it's my friends, both in the real world and online. Some people say that you can't really know someone you met online. I say that's crap. You guys mean just as much to me as anyone I've ever met in the real world, and I love you all. :)
1. how are you celebrating thanksgiving?
2. what are you thankful for?
3. have you ever been so scared you could taste it? (notihng to do with thanksgiving. i'm just nosy :D)
my uncle and cousins and their kids are coming over. but goodness knows when -_- uncle ed is always late. always. which means we'll probably all end up eating at different times XD
i should probably go. short post, i know, but i stopped in the middle of putting on my makeup XD

Today's Random Thought: I lie to get what I want and I'm not afraid to take you down with me.
