I have parasites in my brain.

at least, i possibly have parasites in my brain. lol. toxoplasmosis: you can get it from cats. had two cats when i was little, and one now. so yeah, i'm thinking it's likely. but since i don't have symptoms (most people don't) i won't know for sure unless i have a blood test. which i'm not going to do. but if i do have it, all their doing is making a home in my brain and making me like cats, so they're free to stay up there as long as they want XD
okay, randomness over. my birthday is in 21 days, woot! i'm having a party on the 19th and i'm very excited. my mom went birthday shopping for me today lol. i keep reminding her how much i want the sleeping beauty dvd that got released recently. i want it SO BAD. sleeping beauty is my favorite disney princess. even though the brothers grimm version is kinda creepy. it wasn't the prince's kiss that woke her. it was the kicking of twins in her stomach. yeah, my favorite prince is a rapist -_- i'm addicted to disney movies and i'm not ashamed to admit it XD but most of the ones we have are on vhs. we need to start switching over to dvd. our live action 101 dalmations vhs broke T_T but my mom bought a new one the other day, so that's okay i guess.
b-chan is writing a really awesome book. and she put me in it :DD we always put our characters into our conversations when we're texting and she put in one from her book. so i started talking to him XD and apparently she liked what i said cuz i'm now a part of the story. we've been role playing so she can get my dialogue exactly how i would say it, and i've been writing it all in my notebook. 58 pages. of just dialogue. and still counting. it's the most fun i've ever had.
unfortunately, history class is calling. i have to make up a lesson.

Today's Random Thought: SHut up, you stupid cupcake! Muffins are beautiful no matter what you say!
