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wow. one comment yesterday. thank you otakufangirl! *hugs*
just a quick post today, i'm trying to finish everything early so I can go eat lunch at my old school with my friends, so I give you:
Ways To Annoy Matt! *hides from fangirls*
1. Park your car in a different place than normal and tell everyone he stole it.
2/ Stand in front of the tv while he's playing video games.
3. Flush his cigarettes down the toilet.
4. Give him nicotin gum for his birthday.
5. Tell him to google his and Mello's names (you might want to run after this one)
6. Hide his goggles.
7. Take his cigarettes and shake you finger in his face saying, "No more cancer sticks for you, young man!"
8. Poke him. Repeatedly.
9. When he tells you to stop, cry and tell everyone he yelled at you.
10. Throw soft things at his head. (ie, stuffed animals, popcorn, etc.)
11. Make him choose between video games and cigarettes.
12. Tell everyone his real name.
13. Put makeup on him while he's sleeping.
14. When he's asleep, come into his room and turn on all the lgihts. When he asks what the heck you're doing, tell him you had a bad dream.
15. Tell him he's gonna end up in jail someday.
16. Text him every other minute asking what he's doing.
17. When he says video games (you know he will) ask "STILL?"
18. When he's playing the game he's best at, tell him he sucks.
19. Stare at him constantly.
20. Tell him you gave the fangirls his cell phone number.
21. When he says he needs a cigarette, say, "No, you need a support group."

I'm so evil ^^ and now i have to go because i have to start school and hopefully get done early.
