Stupid Titles

omg church was so fun yesterday!! evening service was kind of like a youth night. instead of the praise team, our youth band performed and kyle sang a asong and played the guitar and he was really good. and at one point joey dropped his microphone and jordan played a rimshot (sp?) on the drums. it was hilarious. our youth pastor, steve, spoke instead of the pastor and then afterwards the youth group played dodgeball. well, some people played. the rest of us, including me, watched. i wasn't planning on staying for dodgeball, but kyle said i could throw one at his face. which would have been funny, but i didn't. :P and then my mom went home without me. dead serious. when i said i wanted to hang out with everyone for a while, she said she wanted to talk to her friend and to call her when i wanted to go home. so i thought she was just going to stay in the church and talk while i was in the gym with everyone. and she thought i was going to be there for a while and didn't want to stay. so she went home. and then i called her cell and my sister answered and i was confused cuz my sister didn't go to church with us last night. so my mom said she was on her way and i was just walking around kinda lonely and a couple people walked around with me till me mom got there so it was okay. i told b-chan about it and she said "she came back right?" lol.
loralei came home with us after morning service yesterday, which was awesome. and me and b-chan were texting while she was here, and we were talking about death note. she said "sorry your man [meaning L] has to bite the dust" and i told my sister and she goes, "i though [insert name of guy i like here] was your man." and i said that to b-chan and she goes "he's your sugar daddy." lol!! i couldn't stop laughing! what conversations i have with b-chan XDD
so that was pretty much my whole day. very very fun. and i sowed loralei the 21 pages of icons i have on paint. which i'm sure she appreciated lol.
speaking of icons, i changed mine if anyone hasn't noticed. no longer is it L killing people with his brain. now it's an MSN conversation with team 7 from naruto. it goes something like this icha_icha: the new icha icha book comes out today ^_^ sakura (i can't remember anyone else's username XDD): sasuke's online! someone invite him! icha_icha: i will naruto: Sakura, why are you always like sasuke has logged in naruto: SASUKE IS SO HOT!!!! sasuke has logged out icha_icha: ... icha_icha: well, if he wasn't going to orochimaru before, he sure is now.
one of my favorite icons ^_^

Today's Random Thought: Can I take your picture? I want Santa to know exactly what I want for Christmas.
