Alien Abduction

I think my mom has been replaced by pod people. She's been acting weird and happy and touchy-feely. like yesterday, i was finishing up my picture of L (that i actually traced because i can't draw L to save my life, but i took some creative license. It killed my eyes though) and i was sitting at the kitchen table inking it, when she walks by and randomly starts tickling me! i was like "stop it, i'm inking!!!!" cuz if that picture got messed up, i was killing somebody. that took me too freaking long and trying to write in that fancy font so small almost made me go blind. (it's L sitting in his adorably weird way in a chair and rem in shadows behind him. at the top it says death has come and i am not afraid in the same fancy font his L is in.) it took me all day and my sister going "he died?? cool!!" the entire time did not help. and then when she came to wake me up this morning, she kissed my head and then would not move. i'm getting a little annoyed. and i'm already mad because she promised to take me to anime punch, and it ended last weekend. but of course, she's going to take me to the next con. like she said the last three times. my mom has issues with doing what she says she will. like this is the fourth time i've talked to her about going to therapy. the first time in seventh or eighth grade, she told me i was fine. the second time, she took me to the counselor at my doctor's office, and i still swear she was on crack. the third time she said she'd look into it and never did. and then a couple days ago i showed her what i had put about it on yahoo answers and she said "so you still think you need thereapy?' and i was thinking "YES! cuz you were supposed to be checking into it for four freaking months!" and now i'm getting a headache thinking about it.

Today's Random Thought: Note to self: Boys suck. They break hearts. Throw things at them. ...Like pineapples. They're pointy.
