
I was doing kind of ok yesterday, better than i have been anyway, until after church. normally after church (especially wednesday nights) i'm really happy and just generally in a good mood. until when my mom deicided yesterday that she wants to date. specifically a man at our church. more specifically a man at our church who has a kid. they don't have plans or anything cuz she' not entirely sure about his marital status (he doesn't wear a ring and is never around a woman), but still. so i've kind of been freaking out since yesterday and my best friend is not helping. she just keeps saying "but everyone should date if they want to, maybe your mom just really wants to date" and i said "well how would you feel if your mom wanted to date a guy from your church who had a kid you're in youth group with?" and then i kinda just stopped texting her and she texted me back later asking if i was mad and i said no even though i kinda was. i don't know what's up with me and my best friend lately. we used to be so close but now i can't even carry on a conversation with her. when we text she just says "yeah" "lol", stuff like that. and when we're on the phone she goes on and on about stuff going on with her but when i try to say something that's going on with me, she changes the subject back to her. i want to still be friends but it's like she's not even making an effort.
I'm going to go start school.

Today's Random Thought: I'm not single. I'm just romantically challenged.
